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    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    Hearthstone [Week 226] Tavern Brawl end-of-week discussion (with Strawpoll!)

    Hearthstone [Week 226] Tavern Brawl end-of-week discussion (with Strawpoll!)

    [Week 226] Tavern Brawl end-of-week discussion (with Strawpoll!)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:59 PM PDT

    Strawpoll here: https://www.strawpoll.me/18796704

    Hello r/hearthstone, 226th Brawl comes to an end, so let's have a discussion about it.

    This weeks Tavern Brawl was Doom in the Tomb: Part I, where you've played as one of the 5 members of League of E.V.I.L. defeating 7 bosses of Tombs of Terror and the final boss Headless Horseman. If you managed to complete a run under an hour - you gained 1 RR card pack, under 40 minutes - a Golden Ancient Mysteries as well.

    Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? Any memorable moments? Would you like to see a similar brawls in the future? Discuss below.

    5 previous threads | strawpolls:
    Week 225 | Strawpoll (Unlimited 6 Cards №2)
    Week 224 | Strawpoll (Zombeasts №2)
    Week 223 | Strawpoll (No Epics and Legs)
    Week 222 | Strawpoll (Three Wishes)
    Week 221 | Strawpoll (The League of Explorers: Revived!)

    submitted by /u/FardHast
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    Another artwork I did! This time it's Jaina :)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    American University HS team received a six month ban from competition due to last week's "event" instead of no punishment.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:22 PM PDT

    Dont forget blizzard

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Hearthstone mobile is in a total mess now

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    Takes forever to start up the client

    Load game, crash

    Go to collections, crash

    End turn, crash

    Literally everything is crashing down

    submitted by /u/panickkkkk
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    Hearthstone Feels Dirty, Now

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    Hearthstone used to make me happy, or at least pass the time, and even when it felt like a job I still kept playing, but now...

    Now it makes me feel dirty and gross.

    I lost track of how long I've played, but it's been years. I've got all golden hero portraits and have beat all the adventures. Even when the meta was boring or annoying I would still get on and run arena or do my dailies before getting off. I never missed a tavern brawl, and it's been one of my favorite things to do when I have 10-15 minutes to kill on my phone.

    At least it was.

    After Blitzchung I just can't play it anymore. Every time I look at the app on my phone or my desktop I just feel... gross. Even knowing that most of the developers behind it don't support the blatantly pro-China action — even knowing that there's very little, if anything, that I can do about it all — I just feel uncomfortable at the thought of loading it up and playing when by doing so I'm doing a small part to support an increasingly totalitarian regime.

    I just can't do it anymore, and I feel really sad about that. I've played Blizzard games for over 25 years, now, but even if I try and separate myself from the politics of it I just don't feel good playing.

    I think I'm done with Hearthstone, and WoW, and Overwatch, and SC2, and Diablo, and everything else. This isn't how I wanted it to end. Not like this.

    But this is how it is, I guess.

    EDIT: Since this blew up I just want to say thank you to everyone who actually read my post instead of just reacting to it; and in response to those of you asking to keep politics out of your video games, that's literally what this post is about — politics have gotten all mixed up with my Hearthstone and now any action I take from paying to just playing to walking away or deleting it have taken on political meaning, and so I'm being forced to take a side in the issue. That's what this post is about. If you want to take a point contrary to mine then address that point, but I don't think it's possible to extricate Blizzard from international politics at this point. When government officials from the USA to Sweden are weighing in on the issue it's not just a thing you can shrug off anymore.

    submitted by /u/fiddlypoppin
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    How Velwein destroyed his Karma, the repost, cause I screwed up the first.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    Let's talk about everyone's favorite topics, contracts and most importantly how it all relates to the current drama unfolding here on Reddit.

    Lately, I've been reading a lot of people saying, "If only Blizzard had just stayed neutral." Here's the thing, they tried. No one cared about Blizzard having business in China, however, that all came to an end once Blitzchung made his statement on an official Blizzard stream.

    Blitzchung's statement forced Blizzard into a catch 22, with only a handful of options at their disposal.

    1. They allow Blitzchung to make his statement, and do nothing about it.

    2. They allow Blitzchung to make his statement, and later follow through with punishing him per the conditions of his contract.

    3. They prevent the interview with Blitzchung from being shown.

    So let's break down why all three of these options sucked for Blizzard.

    Option 1, another catchphrase I see people throwing around is the "Streisand Effect." Where if only Blizzard had let the statement go, no one would have ever noticed. Hypothetically, maybe. Realistically, wasn't going to happen. A Pro-Hong Kong statement made on an official stream originating from Taiwan? I highly doubt it'd have flown under the radar, it's too perfect of a combination to make China chafe.

    Next, by inaction Blizzard can be seen as taking a Pro-Hong Kong position, moving them away from the aforementioned "neutrality."

    Also, it sets up a dangerous ethical precedent in terms of a global market. Where Blizzard wishing to not offend a demographic of fans, would want to remain apolitical.

    Option 2, whilst probably the safest option, we've all witnessed how that played out. The root of the problem with Option 2 here for Blizzard, was the specifications of the punishment laid out in their contract with Blitzchung (Source 1). It was, asinine. However, it was meant to be, as means of being a deterrent against anyone making statements that might impact Blizzard.

    If however, the contract hadn't spelt out a specific punishment (that being reducing a person's prize to 0), then Blizzard could have given a more measured punishment. An example of this is how Blizzard is handling the Collegiate Team making a similar statement, because they signed a different contract with different stipulations (Source 2, also Blitzchung makes mention of this in his response, Source 3). We'll touch back on this topic in Option 3.

    Speaking of Option 3, Blizzard attempts to prevent the interview from being shown. You need only look at some of the responses to Blizzard not allowing any interviews in the collegiate league. Now apply that same sentiment to Blitzchung's statement, and it doesn't take a Rhode Scholar to figure out how that'd pan out.

    So Blizzard goes with Option 2, because really it's the only choice they can make, and they follow the stipulations spelled out in the contract, cause in Blizzard's mind, it's what he agreed to, not realizing that it was an asinine punishment in comparison to the action taken by Blitzchung, and Blizzards wants to remain a neutral/apolitical company within the global economy.

    Fast forward a few days, Blizzard receives massive backlash, and honestly, I think Blizzard's response to reducing Blitzchung's punishment was (mostly) fine. He broke his contract to make his statement, and again Blizzard wants the focus of their official streams to be Blizzard and its game. What did make me groan, was that bit about China. Sorry guys, but anyone can see the writing on the Wall-street. Preferably, they shouldn't have mentioned China at all, and instead focused on the revision to Blitzchung's punishment.

    Another thing I saw, were a bunch of people upset about Blitzchung's response to Blizzard's reduced punishment (Source 3). So here's the thing, Blitzchung from his first response/interview said he knew there'd be consequences, but that he objected to the severity (Source 4). So once Blizzard reduced his punishment, and explained to him an important legal loop hole within the contract, he more or less got to have his cake and eat it too. Now you're probably wondering about this legal loop hole, take note in Blitzchung's response to Blizzard's reduced punishment. He mentions that he can play in another official tournament Four months from now, despite his Six Month ban from the Grandmasters (Source 3). That's because the original punishment (and the reduced one) never fully suspended him from professional Hearthstone, it only suspended him from the Grandmasters (Source 1).

    Side tangent, to anyone who is wanting to become a Pro-player, please, hire a lawyer, and have them explain everything in a contract. Honestly, everyone really ought to read all of the documentation you're signing.

    Many might be wondering, but what about the Casters?

    I'm sure a lot of people on this subreddit, have had to sit through those poorly acted HR videos, or some form of HR quiz. One of these will cover, "When representing the company be careful." If you've ever wondered why, it's because of the situation you're seeing play out for Blizzard.

    Being employees of the company, when they agreed to take part in Blitzchung's statement, and even coaxed him into saying his statement, they made the professional decision, that Blitzchung's message was more important than upholding company policy.

    I deeply respect the caster who didn't make a video crying about his punishment, he, like Blitzchung, accepted the consequences of their action, in order to support the statement they believed in. Surprised Pikachu on the other hand, not so much. Own your words and actions, and don't cry once you have to face the consequences.

    That and with Blizzard's response, they're now only suspended from hosting the Grandmasters for six months. Which is a lot better than being completely fired.

    Now, it's time for me to face the consequences of making this post!


    1. Grandmaster's Contract: https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/qi/QIJ8ZBM27S141553902812951.pdf

    2. Collegiate Contract: https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/98/98EP04HKUVE91565623454873.pdf

    3. Blitzchung's Response to Blizzard's reduced punishment: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr1jn4

    4. Blitzchung's Interview with Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/2019/10/7/20902720/hearthstone-grandmasters-hong-kong-liberation

    submitted by /u/velwein
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    This is the worst Arena meta ever

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:58 AM PDT

    This is the worst Arena meta ever

    From someone with over 7000 Arena wins, this is the worst meta since the game began and desperately needs changing.

    As an example of this, my opponent just conceded turn two. Not because I made some spectacular play, but simply because I had a strong 1-drop, and then an easy way to stay ahead on board from then on. The guy most likely conceded because he knew he had no comeback mechanic and the game was effectively over from that point.

    I've conceded myself in similar fashion on turns 4 or 5, where my opponent has had a stronger board and I've known for a fact that nothing in my deck will allow me to recover.

    For those unaware, the dual-class Arena event currently running has all Basic and Classic sets completely removed, Wild sets in rotation, and is also weighted heavily against class cards being offered. This means that your best chance of fighting for the board will be your hero power, and if you are offered for example Priest, Warrior, Shaman hero powers you will need exceptionally strong cards and lucky draws to go far in your run.

    The average draft at the moment will net you around 6-7 class cards. A little more if you're lucky, and if you're super lucky a couple of those might even be removal spells.

    This means the vast majority of decks are around 23 neutral minions. This is just not fun to play and negates the entire point of having the dual-class event.

    Please make some kind of adjustment so that the mode is actually fun again.

    submitted by /u/3Lyra
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    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Legends of Runeterra - New Card Game From Riot Games - How Does It Compare to Hearthstone?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 06:07 AM PDT

    I love these silly costume portraits that make our Heroes look like goofballs.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    Riot is making their own card game

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    Maybe now that Blizzard will have competition, if it's popular, they will change their ideas about tons of RNG in the game.

    submitted by /u/welikeflowers
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    We did it! We saved the city!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    Anyone got any tips I’m getting really close to the reward

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Tavern Brawl this week is... "Doom in the Tomb Part 2" (Oct. 16, 2019)

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    (Props to u/czihong -- as ever, I'm happy to help out)

    Description: "The Headless Horseman is haunting the tombs of Uldum! Fight to his lair ... if you dare!"

    Format: Prebuilt dungeon-run style / pick from 1 of the 5 "League of EVIL" bosses, who have the same Hero Powers as last week (relevant thread at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/dfjbpv/tavern_brawl_this_week_is_doom_in_the_tomb_oct_9/ ) or 1 of the 4 League of Explorers heroes. They are:

    • druid / Elise Starseeker: HP is "Restore 2 Health, then draw a card if the target is at full Health."

    • hunter / Brann Bronzebeard: HP is "Deal 1 damage, then deal 1 damage to the enemy hero." (If you fire at the opponent's face, they will take both points.)

    • mage / Reno Jackson: HP is "Fire 2 missiles that deal 1 damage each. If any minion dies, repeat this."

    • paladin / Sir Finley: HP is "Give a minion Divine Shield and Windfury."

    Reward: a Classic pack for your first win. We also received a new "legendary quest" today: Play 50 cards to receive a Witchwood pack and a SOU pack.

    History: This is the first time we've seen this Brawl, though it resembles other "dungeon run" style TBs such as last week's. Per a recent Battle.net post, this is a timed event -- beat all the bosses within 60 minutes to earn a Golden copy of Temple Berserker, and within 40 minutes to earn a Golden copy of Generous Mummy

    (source: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/hearthstone/23156374/can-you-survive-the-doom-in-the-tomb )

    BELATED EDIT: The 4 Explorers appear to be dual-class heroes, much like with the Tombs of Terror solo content. My FTP alt has quests to "Play 20 Warrior cards" and "Play 20 Hunter cards" today, and doing a Brann run I'm progressing both of them :-)

    submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
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    Hearthstone Pixel Art

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    Day 1 and day 2 conversation with my friend

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Well, I know what game i am playing, can you let me play, logo?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    Really enjoying this new call of the wild art!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:05 PM PDT

    Zephrys misses the King Krush lethal

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:31 AM PDT

    Spot the lethal

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    TIL: Quest Log is actually always open on the Main Menu and just "pops" to the center when you click the Quest Log button!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 03:47 AM PDT

    Triggered zephyrus doesn't offer polymorph vs a deatlrattle minion, offers two removals that serve the same purpose instead.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    F*ck you Wisdomball!

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:38 AM PDT

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