• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 30, 2019

    Hearthstone Virtual Tickets Giveaway! WAAAAAAH GOLDEN LEGENDARY!

    Hearthstone Virtual Tickets Giveaway! WAAAAAAH GOLDEN LEGENDARY!

    Virtual Tickets Giveaway! WAAAAAAH GOLDEN LEGENDARY!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    To celebrate BlizzCon, Blizzard has graciously given us Five (5) digital codes for Virtual Tickets to give away on this subreddit, worth $50 each.

    What is a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket?

    • Provides access to ALL livestreamed shows, panels and interviews

    • Awards digital goodies for all Blizzard games, including 2 World of Warcraft pets, Illidan Genji and Tyrande Symmetra skins in Overwatch, a pair of wings in Diablo 3, and much more.

    • Hearthstone's digital loot are a GOLDEN LEGENDARY card (that will be revealed at Blizzcon) and a Blizzcon 2019 card back.

    BlizzCon will be held on 1-2 November this year, and we're expecting the Set 16 announcement, the Hearthstone Global Finals and Hearthstone panels.

    If you don't buy a Virtual Ticket, the opening ceremonies with the game announcements (as well as 4 panels on the Mythic stage on Day 1), along with the esports events, will be free to the public to view on Twitch.

    Don't forget to tune in to /r/hearthstone for LIVE coverage in our live threads!

    Here's how to win:

    Write why you think YOU should win a Virtual Ticket, and submit it as a comment to this thread. Four (4) random entries, plus One (1) highest upvoted entry, will win!


    1. Must have an active reddit account in good standing, at least 2 weeks old.
    2. Must have previously commented or posted in /r/hearthstone.
    3. One entry per person, one ticket per winner.

    Winners can redeem their tickets at battle.net/code.

    The giveaway here will run for 48 hours.

    Thanks again to Blizzard for giving us the Virtual Tickets to share with our community!

    Only GIVEAWAY ENTRIES can post in this thread. All other comments will be removed. Reply to the sticky comment if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/czhihong
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    My first game today; probably last.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Warsong Commander can't self-motivate

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:23 AM PDT

    What’s everyone’s opinion on the new type of card border? Personally I prefer it over golden.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    Picasso was a big fan of Hearthstone

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    It only took 5 and a half years

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    Blizzard Sponsor Mitsubishi Bailed After the Company Punished Pro-Hong-Kong Gamer Blitzchung

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    This week's Tavern Brawl is "Captain Blackheart's Treasure" (October 30, 2019)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    Chalk Board

    Description: The Captain left treasure for EVERYONE, but mostly for you! Each turn, open a chest of three random cards and choose one to put in your hand!

    • Rewards a Classic pack.

    • This is a Wild (?) brawl (Not sure, I played a full game and didn't see any Wild cards)

    • This is a fixed-deck brawl. Just pick a class.

    • This is the 5th time we've seen this brawl. The last time was more than 3 years ago on 26 October 2016. Wiki entry for this brawl.

    • Previous discussion thread.

    • Both players' decks are completely made up of Pirates.

    • Both players Discover a card at the start of their turn.

    submitted by /u/czhihong
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    What 14 Mecha'thuns dying at once looks like

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    SPARE ME RANIA! - New Salt episode on Kripp's channel

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Mobile Hearthstone amirite?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Eric Dodds, Jason Chayes, and Dustin Browder Left Blizzard

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Nice ad

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    How long till the wild cards are removed from Standard?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    Sorry for my bad english, but wondering until when since im considering on creating cards to support those wild cards

    submitted by /u/DisrespectfulTerry
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    I raise your first game today with my first game of the day . Still probably the last

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    If you can trigger Doomsayer against Plague of Death boss in Phase 2 (first minion to die gets Reborn), he’ll just pass his turn and not play any minions until the phase is over.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Welcome to Shamanstone, where my opponent mistakes zap for mutate and instantly shame concedes. Rank 5 btw.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    Third-party Competitive Series

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Third-party Competitive Series

    Hello r/Hearthstone!

    TLDR at the bottom!

    I just wanted to give a shout out to a project I've been working on, and all the amazing people who have played in, and helped me along the way. Outside Reddit I'm 'RoguishBard' and I run the Aspirant Series over at Aspirant. It's a weekly tournament that I run with the vision of being an amateur development series, where people of all skill levels looking to improve can come together and gain experience outside of the…beleaguered, HSesports system. We are about to wrap up our second season with 32 players, an 800$ prize pool, and our casting/production team finally getting off the ground. It's been a learning experience for me in handling logistics, publishing 128 decklists each week, graphic design and web dev; and while I still have a long way to go, I am proud of where we have come, and where we envision us going. So before I hype our final match, I wanted to thank a couple of people and entities, for helping me make this happen.

    First the Colorado Hearthstone squad: Primitive, Pennypacker, Coookiemonst, N8Biz and Tiller. You all have been with me since the beginning, when it was just locals, tavern heros, and pre-release parties; thanks for following me on this journey and for helping me flesh out bad ideas (of which there were many).

    Next are the people who have helped me develop what we have today. Direstbear with WordPress; Dragonrider for helping with the admin and TO side of life; Bemmie for helping me through some organizer issues, and showing me that with enough work I can make it huge; the production team of Kazghar, Lezzemos, TypicalTyrant, NoGlocko and Clark for helping me get casting going and making sure my photoshopping isn't trash; and Vaune_ for developing a sick Discord bot to help with Shields and Bans.

    I want to thank the many teams who have joined on this season: ATK Mode, Heartbreak, TDF, TeamRankStar, Resurgent, Grit, Grizzlies and Swagoi. You have sent players to compete in this project, and have helped hype, and promote it all season long and I can't thank you enough. Swagoi in particular has been a huge part since the beginning, and keep showing up in force every season.

    I want to thank the other Third Party Hearthstone groups out there. Aspirant isn't a new or novel idea; I have drawn so much inspiration from Maplestone, Team Hearth Legends and the various Podcast Listener groups out there. Third Party Hearthstone is usually laughed off and overlooked; but we're out there, people who love the game, love the people, and love the community. We're trying to compete, develop and make friends every day. You have options besides the HSesports grind; besides 8 hour tournaments on Battlefy/Smash; you just need to ask around and come join us.

    Lastly, I want to thank the players who have participated in the first two seasons of the series. You have all been a blast to work with, play with, and chat with. Thanks for believing in the project, for the great feedback, and for already signing up for Season Three, which is going to a banner season for us.

    Now, finally; I want to present the Finale of the Aspirant Series Season Two. With an overall record of 19-7, Pelletire from Grizzlies faces off against NoGlocko and his record of 16-11 Sunday night at 9PM EST. Come join us at Aspirant to see how you can watch it!


    Thanks for making it this far, you're the real hero. Season Three of Aspirant is open for registration now! Come over to the website to the schedule, format and all the information you need to join our amazing community!

    TL:DR: Third party competitive Hearthstone is alive and well, there are a ton of awesome places like Aspirant, Team Hearth Legends, and Listener Groups. I am broadcasting the Season Two Finals of my Aspirant Series this Sunday, between two awesome players. Come to Aspirant.

    PS. If you are out there and thinking: "you know, I'd love to get involved!" ...Id love to have you. I'm always looking for people who want to get experience in TO-ing, admin, casting, production, graphic design, writing, whatever! Reach out, I am always willing to help people develop the skills they seek!

    submitted by /u/McLeetness
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    new portrait mode courtesy of spaghetti code

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    Perfect set of quests during shamanstone

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    We need more communication from Team 5 regarding the Wild format

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Greetings. FirePaladin here. OG player, deckbuilder,writer,legendary player yada yada yada. The most important thing is that I'm a Wild player from the beginning of the whole Standard and Wild format thingy and after all those years I'm still confused about the Team 5s policy regarding the format. Because the balance choices are so random. That and the fact that there's almost 0 Wild official competitive scene make the whole format look like an anabdoned child left in the forest by his parents.

    Today I want to raise some questions about the odd balance changes and card introductions since I have almost no hope for a proper all year competitive tournament events for an OG format of the HS

    Wild has experienced so much metas and changes.Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. We will focus about a bad ones today because there is majority of them or they came too late to make impact:

    Why was Dreadsteed nerfed to obvilion just because of his interaction with Defile,which is still capped at certain amount of triggers while there have been numerous boardclears printed which are as powerfull?(Plague of Flames,Mass Hysteria)

    Priest received 2 major Wild nerfs. One being Raza which I partly agree with, but the second one is the Shadowboxer nerf because of its interaction with Zilliax on turn 7. As with the Defile case before the highest damage is capped again(around 30 damage divided between all enemy minions and hero). This interaction was considered problematic. Now instead of that we have way hardly counterable combo in form of SN1Plock on turn 5.

    AK47 was probably the most oppresive deck in the HS history. Reason behind it is basically Sprint that tutors aka Juicy Psychmelon. Instead of that the nerf bullet hit Aviana. A combo enabling card which was never a problem before. This nerf resulted into almost 0 play of Combo Druid decks in ladder. I do understand that Psychmelon wasnt nerfed because it was new card. But it was a mistake hitting the Aviana with nerfhammer

    You said you're looking for meta impact in both Standard and Wild when designing cards,yet we see cards like Psychmelon,SN1P SN4P or the latest addition in Saviours of Uldum- Secret Mage package. All of those mentioned cards either helped a Tier 2 deck to rise into opressive type of deck or create an absolutely new deck which with enough support becomes again gamebreaking.

    What is the Team 5s statement about SN1Plock as a deck? Some players use 3rd party programs for playing and some of them are genuine players yet they are banned because of little bit faster APM. There's still no clear statement from Team 5 how much SN1P SN4Ps is ok in 1 turn.

    The Wild nerfs overal are really unexplored and unpredictable field. Sometimes cards like Raza or Patches are nerfed before the rotation. Sometimes it takes a whole ad to take down Naga and sometimes its years and years before the Barnes is nerfed when Big Priest,the culprit of the nerf is barely hanging in Tier 3 already. Sometimes an absolutely meme card is nerfed like Shadowboxer or Dreadsteed because they enable combo which is powerfull yet not gamebreaking. The Team 5s policy about Wild nerfs is just confusing.

    Now that I raised some questions I would like to hear more statements about Wild as a format. The format is amazing. The format has a lot of variety. The format has a lot of powerfull/broken comboes. And the format is home for a 1/10 par of the HS playerbase,old whales and the players which want to play HS with all the combo potentials.

    I think that I don't speak for myself only if I say that Wild community would like to hear more feedback about the format balance,cards,old card packs and adventures and more official tournaments.

    submitted by /u/FirePaladinHS
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    My coolest lethal off of an Astral Rift play.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    May we have an update on how long the wild cards are remaining past the event?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    When the wild cards were added, they came with this important note:

    "IMPORTANT NOTE: While these cards were re-introduced during the Doom in the Tomb event, they will remain in Standard past the event's conclusion, until the launch of our next major update. More details will be shared, including exact dates and times, in the coming weeks."

    It has been a few weeks now, and I am curious when the next big update is-- if it's Friday for Blizzcon, or otherwise.

    This is important to me because as a competitor who made it to round 2 of TeSPA, I (and I'm sure my fellow competitors) would like to know if we should expect a meta change by the time the playoffs start on November 10th.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Raktoner
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