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    Friday, July 16, 2021

    Hearthstone Today I realized I predicted Myra's Unstable Element in 2016

    Hearthstone Today I realized I predicted Myra's Unstable Element in 2016

    Today I realized I predicted Myra's Unstable Element in 2016

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    First arena run in a nutshell (mostly)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Starting hearthstone today, pretty excited played my first game lost pretty bad ��

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    New card revealed

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    Hearthstone key innovations versus MTG (game design analysis)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    Hearthstone key innovations versus MTG (game design analysis)

    This is just a part of a longer article on CCG gameplay (with a special focus on Legends of Runeterra, Hearthstone, and MTG), which is available on my blog.But since this piece specifically talks about Hearthstone, I felt it might be interesting for anyone interested in card games from a game design point of view.

    Please note that I'm not related to any of these companies or games in any way. This is just an analysis I made for fun, representing my thoughts as a fan.

    Hearthstone: A milestone for digital CCGs

    We feel it has often been underestimated how revolutionary and important was Hearthstone to the CCG genre. Specifically on adapting and streamlining the core gameplay mechanics from the tabletop to a digital platform.

    Before Hearthstone, most digital card games fell under any of these categories. They either weren't explicitly designed for a competitive card game experience or struggled with tabletop mechanics, which don't avoid the limitations or explore the unique opportunities of videogames.

    Hearthstone was the first game to reach massive appeal that aimed for a competitive CCG experience while being 100% designed as an approachable videogame.

    To improve overall accessibility, it decreased complexity and accelerated the gameplay, allowing a space-efficient visual presentation and also using new game mechanics available only on a computer-driven experience.

    This is better seen in the following design decisions:

    1. Having a strict mana curve

    Although fun and spicy, resource generation represents a lot of complexity and friction on many CCGs: Either because it requires significant math probability juggling when deckbuilding and playing (Magic, Pokemon TCG…) or because it involves custom sacrifice systems (Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of the Five Rings…), which are as complicated.

    And, perhaps more importantly, it makes it very hard to predict the game's tempo, since designers can't have certainty when a card becomes playable.

    In MTG, resource generation randomness means a vast disparity of possible scenarios, making balancing much more difficult. And this example is not even taking into account the complexity of having multi-colored mana.

    To simplify this, Hearthstone took a Solomonic decision:Each turn, players automatically get one more mana than the previous turn. End of the story. They also removed multiple types of resources (contrary to MTG or Pokemon, where there are several color types), which simplified the whole process.

    Additionally, in contrast with MTG, they have very few cards that accelerate the mana curve and no "resource generation" minion.

    In Hearthstone, resource acquisition is strict and predictable (+1 mana per turn, only one type of mana). This makes balancing way easier to control. In contrast, in MTG the mana is highly affected by randomness, and bad luck can generate frustrating situations where the player can't play at all.

    Was simplifying mana generation a good decision?My personal opinion is that complex mana dynamics in MTG is part of what makes it attractive for a wider audience: By being lucky, a bad player with a bad deck can be challenging to an expert with a better deck. And it makes that experts need to strategize around that uncertainty.

    The most exciting moment at MTG is when you draw the mana that you desperately needed. And the most frustrating one is when you desperately need a land, and it doesn't want to appear.So it is both the best and the worst of the game. And therefore removing it takes away frustration but at the cost of losing something extraordinary.

    Additionally, the complexity of mana in MTG generates deep mechanics based on the resource curves accelerations possible (for example, in mid-range decks).

    That said, I think that random land drawing it's a mechanic that feels much more frustrating in digital CCGs:First, because they focus on single matches rather than in the best of three, the main competitive model on tabletop MTG.And second, because on the tabletop is the player itself shuffling: bad luck can't be externalized as someone else's fault. While if it's the RNG shuffling, bad luck is the game's fault.

    For that reason, even MTGA is experimenting with altering the probability system in some modes to favor the appearance of mana in the opening hand, which avoids the worst case in randomness (a player not being able to play at all).

    Because it's more frustrating on digital, it makes balancing much harder, and it's a significant entry barrier for new players; I believe that it was a good call to simplify the mana system in Hearthstone**.**If anything, the only problem I could see is that perhaps it was too strict since it removes any gameplay depth around mana generation.

    Colorless mana and Hero ClassesIn MTG, mana colors also serve as a balancing control mechanism. They establish groups of cards that can't be used together on the same deck, at least not with a significant effort (multicolored lands, etc.).

    So Hearthstone introduced Hero Classes to achieve that same objective: Most cards are exclusive to specific character classes, making balancing much easier. (LoR has more or less followed a similar approach by limiting the amount of Champions and Regions in decks).

    2. Removal of turn phases where the opponent interacts

    One of the main ways this is achieved is by not having any kind of instant or answer spells that interrupt the opponent's turn or counter an action. As well as by having no units with player-activated minion abilities.

    This means that the game doesn't have to wait to see if the opponent will answer constantly. And it dramatically decreases the viability of control decks, which slow down the game and aren't very friendly for newbies.

    Blizzard also removed the opponent's ability to assign defenses on an incoming attack: In Hearthstone, the attacker determines the unit encounters during an attack. The defender may only passively limit the choices through units with Taunt.

    In MTG, there are several actions that the opponent can perform at any moment. In the videogame, it means constant timers to check if the enemy will act. Any of these actions can trigger a chain of answer & reply spells between players.

    Ultimately, all this makes Hearthstone faster, since all those opponent answers meant many delays in the progression of the match, timeout timers, etc. And it removes turn phases, which also makes the overall game easier to learn.

    3. Tokenization of units (less unit orthogonality & survivability)

    Hearthstone also decreased the cognitive and visual load of having multiple orthogonal units on the battlefield. This is achieved in 3 main ways:

    First, by creating units with less gameplay depth:Compared to MTG, Hearthstone features fewer cards with specific rules. Instead, it focuses on standardized abilities shared by multiple characters (i.e. windfury, lifesteal…), transformed into recognizable icons and FX.

    This allows removing a lot of card info when they are on the board, as it becomes redundant, again decreasing the visual and cognitive load that a minion represents.

    A factor contributing to this is that sets in Hearthstone don't tend to be built around a new keyword mechanic (which is the case in MTG). This means that the complexity of minions doesn't grow as much when more sets are released.

    Ultimately, most minions with unique behaviors trigger them either on summon or on death or have triggered effects that are generally less complex than MTG's. Additionally, Hearthstone doesn't feature player-activated creature skills.

    Creatures in MTG often feature complex and unique behaviors which generate many chances of emergent gameplay. Most Minions in Hearthstone have effects on summon or on death, or simpler rules which usually take a smaller amount of text.

    The second way how minions become more dynamic is by decreasing their survivability:Minions don't regenerate their health at the end of the turn (a computer has no problem keeping track of the individual health of every unit).

    This means that even the tankiest creatures won't remain for long in the field, as critters can slowly eat up their health. Therefore, it means fewer chances of having many different minions on the table simultaneously, making turns faster.

    And last, by adding a hard limit on the number of creatures that a player can have on the battlefield (7 minions max). Although, because of the lack of regeneration, the creature limit is not often reached.

    4. Less amount of game elements

    On top of simplifying the minions, this game aims to be easier to learn by decreasing the number of different types of cards, game zones, and playstyles.

    First, there's the topic of the number of game zones:In Magic: The Gathering, there are many of them (battlefield, graveyard, exile, player hand…), each with its own specific rules. Also, many cards interact with the opponent's zones, which means even more areas to keep track of.

    While this offers many gameplay possibilities, it also makes it overwhelming for a new player and requires more UX effort to make it manageable.

    Meanwhile, in Hearthstone, there is no graveyard or exile. The only card zones are the hand, the battlefield, and the deck. And the amount of cards that interact with the deck or the opponent's hand is minimal.

    The same happens with the types of cards:MTG features many different card types, including creatures, sorceries, instants, enchantments, equipment, lands, planeswalkers, and many more, each with its specific rules.The amount is way higher if we consider the types specific to some sets like Sagas, Companions, Vehicles, Food… the list goes up to +26.

    In contrast, Hearthstone only has 5: Minions, spells, secrets, weapons, and heroes, with the first two agglutinating most of the cards and mechanics.Ultimately, this means fewer specific rules to keep in mind, making Hearthstone easier to learn and present on a screen.

    Wireframe comparison: Notice how Hearthstone has fewer elements to represent on-screen (game zones, types of cards…). This makes it easier to learn by players and is easier to present on a single screen.

    The problems of Hearthstone's design

    It's beyond doubt that the changes introduced by Hearthstone helped its adoption by massive audiences. But as hinted above, they also introduced several design dead-ends that have not been fixed despite some workaround mechanics.

    In our opinion, the most important of those issues can be summarized in:

    ISSUE #1: Simplification means less gameplay depth

    Since the big move of Hearthstone was to have a lighter core ruleset, it also means less repertory of rules to create innovative gameplay. This translates into two main problems:

    Limited range of available strategies

    Because of many gameplay elements that interact between them, MTG has decks built around bizarre strategies, such as casting from the graveyards or playing in the opponent's turn (control & flash decks). It also features a considerable amount of combo decks.

    This creates a lot of variety, creates many different ways to play the game, and provides an incentive for expert players whose challenge is not simply winning, but using a crazy specialized technique.

    Because I'm a petty person, this was my favorite combo in MTGA (last rotation). I swarmed the table with critters while taking damage, and then I attacked with the boosted Chandra Spitfire. As the final timer went down while the other player realized that the match was over, I swear I almost could hear the sound of a table flipping on the other side.

    Contrary to that, in Hearthstone there are only a few strategies available, all of them entirely dependant on tempo (aggro, midrange, and control), and there is little room for decks that deliver unorthodox strategies.

    While this makes the game easier to balance and playtest, it also means that it's more repetitive and predictable. Hearthstone allows many deck tunning, but it's impossible to find truly innovative strategies, and therefore the game is a bit less appealing for experts.

    Hearthstone follows a paper-scissors-rock model: Aggro has better tempo than midrange, Mid-range overpowers Control, and Control can answer to Aggro (cleaning the board). Few decks get out of that formula.

    Thanks u/Old_Guardian u/Abidarthegreat u/ploki122 u/qwerty11111122 u/Joe_Baker_bakealot u/dannondanforth & more for pointing out that the issues on my original description of this paper-scissors-rock model ; )

    Less variety in new content

    Another of the problems is that new content is not very game-changing or innovative.Most times it relies on new cards that rebalance the meta that is already is there (i.e. more power for less cost, add a card that cancels a current meta strategy…), rather than on introducing truly innovative mechanics.

    And when new mechanics are introduced, they generally focus on very contained dynamics, which can't generate synergies with many points of the game but rather a very specific set of combos.

    This is a good tactical decision: It makes new sets easier to playtest and less costly to develop. Therefore it allows a smaller design team to manage Hearthstone.

    ![img](mq6puw90tjb71 " For example, the latest Hearthstone set introduced Frenzy, which has a limited impact on the overall game. Although it's on the Warrior meta, it primarily affects specific classes and cards, so it has little chance of getting out of control because it's a bit situational. In contrast, in Throne of Eldraine, MTG introduced adventures, which impacted all deck strategies and colors, and had more potential for emergent gameplay (grants card advantage). ")

    Don't Computer-driven and randomness mechanics fix this?

    To avoid being too plain, Hearthstone added new game elements that enrich the gameplay.To achieve it, it embraced mechanics that required a computer-managed game experience, taking full advantage that the game has no tabletop equivalent.

    For example, the computer can handle complex random calculations, keep track of past events, or act as a referee validating secret actions that an opponent can't see.

    Some examples of cards exploiting computer-only features which would be hard to bring to a tabletop experience. Among them, the most common is the use of randomness.

    Out of all of these computer-exclusive mechanics, randomness has become the trademark of Hearthstone's gameplay.One of the main reasons is that randomness is streamer friendly: The moments that cause the most impact in HS are when randomness generates something amazing or frustrating.

    Summoning Yogg-Saron is always a streamable moment, as a massive amount of random spells with random targets are cast in sequence.

    But, while in some cards, it fosters interesting dynamics built around diminishing their unpredictability, randomness doesn't create alternative strategies that move the player to play in a radically different way to achieve victory.

    ISSUE #2: Lack of answer mechanics

    By removing all actions from the opponent during the other player's turn, Hearthstone grants the active player absolute certainty of its results, making the turn predictable (unless there are secrets, but even that has workarounds). It means that many decks are played on autopilot.

    This makes the gameplay sequence fast and accessible but not emotionally intense.

    In MTG, answer mechanics (activated skills, instant spells, block assignation…) introduce risk management, one of the game's most fun dynamics. It creates a complex social interaction between players, which is similar to poker:

    For example, on any given play, players need to consider how much unspent mana the enemy owns, the number of cards in her hand, and more, and ultimately judge if the opponent will counter the incoming maneuver.And, of course, the opponent might be just bluffing by deliberately leaving unspent mana and forcing pauses.

    Don't Secrets fix this?


    Secrets are an attempt to solve this issue by adding a passive answer system to players. But, while secrets are an interesting game mechanic, they are not an effective way to reply or counter the opponent's actions:

    • First, they need to be cast beforehand by the player and are visible. Only the conditions and effects are hidden.This means that if there's no secret previously cast, the player knows that the actions won't be countered.While in MTG or LoR, the menace it's always there and may force the player to adapt the strategy and avoid the most damage-effective approach.
    • The second issue is that the owner can't choose if they trigger or not. Therefore, it removes the possibility of delivering a coherent answer: A secret can activate at a point where it doesn't necessarily bring a meaningful advantage for the caster.Also, if there's a secret cast, the opponent can attempt to defuse it. For example, by attracting its effects to a lesser minion. This is relatively easy to do because:
    1. Most secrets have wide range trigger conditions (otherwise, they'd be too situational and therefore useless).
    2. The range of possible secrets of a specific cost that are viable in the current meta, specific class, and deck can be limited, allowing the player to make an educated guess on which secret has been cast.

    Hope you found this lecture interesting!

    submitted by /u/JB-Dev-Bcn
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    dogdog only fans...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Hearthstone social is useless

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    I am tired of adding recent opponents that add me just to insult me. Just recently I was called "brainless sheep" by a Face Hunter player because I played Elemental Shaman.

    I understood years ago that the game is full of decks to play and not everyone has the same playstyle. I believe you should learn as many decks as you can by playing against and with them. After that, enjoy the game! Frustration is one's problem, do not make it about other players.

    I used social in the past to add opponents and asked for some tip on how they played their deck or how they play against other decks. Most people are happy to talk about those kinds of things and you learn a lot.

    I don't have a solution, but I think that current use of the chat is as good as not having it.

    submitted by /u/Calm-Up
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    Book of heroes Malfurion vs Ragnaros gibberling at 2 mana

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    The nerf of Gibberling to 2 mana made the ragnaros fight in Malfurions book of heroes chapter nearly impossible, 10 tries and still cant win it


    submitted by /u/vasari1212
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    I hit legend for the first time! Been playing off and on since 2014, feels awesome to finally join the club

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Did Blizzard basically abandon the characters from those Hearthstone cgi shorts?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    We haven't heard about them in a long time, right? Do you all remember? The big musical number "Hearthstone is Home" and all that. What happened to them?

    submitted by /u/Trans_Weed_Leaf
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    Class popularity (ranked, all modes) around the Fire Festival

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    He doesn’t know..

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    The duality of a man

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    how do i get a firm footing

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    ive been playing hearthstoen for a few days now and i lose every game. the opponent always gives all their cards insane buffs, like add 1-3 to every card and whatnot. whenever they get a few strong cards onto the board, i cannot get a single card that they will not immediately kill next turn onto the board. how to counter this? this is my deck: (playing as mage)

    # 1x (1) Abusive Sergeant

    # 1x (1) Argent Squire

    # 1x (1) Elven Archer

    # 1x (1) Voodoo Doctor

    # 1x (2) Annoy-o-Tron

    # 1x (2) Arcanologist

    # 1x (2) Mad Bomber

    # 1x (2) Redgill Razorjaw

    # 1x (3) Arcane Intellect

    # 2x (3) Cone of Cold

    # 2x (3) Earthen Ring Farseer

    # 1x (3) Ice Barrier

    # 2x (3) Ironbeak Owl

    # 2x (3) Jungle Panther

    # 1x (3) Mirror Entity

    # 1x (3) Raid Leader

    # 1x (4) Dark Iron Dwarf

    # 1x (4) Fireball

    # 1x (4) Grim Necromancer

    # 1x (4) Water Elemental

    # 2x (5) Gurubashi Berserker

    # 1x (5) Stranglethorn Tiger

    # 2x (7) Stormwatcher

    # 1x (7) Stormwind Champion

    how do i improve my deck? what cards should i use to counter this? these are pretty much all the cards i have and i do not want to spend any money.

    submitted by /u/ZanClanMan
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    Making a second account to complete quests against myself was the best decision ever

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    No more stress, no more impatience, no more time crunch. After my quests are complete I just play whatever it is I want to play.

    submitted by /u/MrASDFtype
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    Can someone help me understand what the hell happened here?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    After years of being horrible at this game, I'm one win away!!!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Interaction Ace Hunter Kreen with Hysteria

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    I was facing a deathrattle demon hunter who plays an Ace Hunter Kreen with an Illidari Inquisitor on the field plus other minions, I cast Hysteria on the Inquisitor thinking that if I can kill Kreen first, his effect will be over.

    Kreen was the first minion killed but to my surprise, his effect still keeps going. So the Inquisitor wipe all minions and in the next turn wipe my face.

    IDK if that interaction is intended or is some kind of bug.

    submitted by /u/xsilenthope
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    That time Khadgar just straight up gave up.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    Bombs Battle!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    At first I thought that the hero portraits were “buy now when you have the chance", but no, you can buy them in the portrait section of the game (at least, the not pre-order ones). Was I the only one who didn't know about this? (No, I didn't bought Sir Annoy-o)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Is the Dark Portal open in the current Hearthstone story?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    So I know the current Hearthstone story diverges from WoW a bit(the Draenei and Blood elves already being part of the Alliance/Horde) but is the Dark portal opened too? As far as I can see it's never been mentioned but in Kurtrus Book of Mercenaries story he and Aranna have somehow travelled to Azeroth from Outland, and Aranna's dialogue implies she can travel back as well. So is the Portal open or is this a plot hole?

    submitted by /u/WargleRathat
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