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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    Hearthstone The Duality of Man

    Hearthstone The Duality of Man

    The Duality of Man

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    Never have I seen Alex used for healing

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    [OC] Which class would be the strongest if only Hero Powers were available?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    [OC] Which class would be the strongest if only Hero Powers were available?

    I've been bored at work this week and decided to try something silly. Which class would win in a tournament if their were no cards in each deck and classes only had access to their Hero Power? You might be thinking, "isn't this a complete waste of time?" Well that's the point. I am trying to waste time.


    1. No cards allowed in either players deck, including the Coin
    2. In certain matchups that require it, fatigue will start at turn 30

    So let's begin!


    A few of these matchups are decided simply by who goes first. For example, in Rogue vs. Mage they always only do 1 damage each turn starting on turn 2 with no way to stop it. So you'd think whoever goes first just wins. However, the player that goes first actually loses, as they will reach 30 damage taken first as a result of fatigue. They will both be at 1 HP at the end of turn 30. Then at the beginning of turn 31 the person who went first will in act die first as they take their fatigue damage first. In these situations the result is a "tie" because there's no clear stronger class, it just depends on who goes first/second. Demon Hunter edges these two out just barely, because their Hero Power only costs 1, so Demon Hunter always wins these matchups because they always attack first and kill right before fatigue. Priest and Warrior beat out all of three of these because they can simply out heal/armor this 1 damage per turn until fatigue, where they will outlast their opponents. Another example of a tying matchup is Hunter and Druid, where both the Druid and Hunter will be at a net loss of 1 health a turn. Druid also ties with Warrior, where they actually both gain a net 1 armor per turn, the opposite of Hunter.

    The worst class by far is Warlock. Poor Guldan does not win or even tie a single matchup. It turns out that damaging yourself to draw cards is bad in a game with no cards. So Guldan just has to sit there and take the onslaught of Jainas fireblasts and Valeeras weapon swings, unable to defend himself in any way. Even Garrosh can laugh as he is armoring himself in preparation for fatigue damage, knowing Guldan can't do anything about it. All of you Tickatus haters can rest assured knowing Warlock sucks.

    Shaman was the hardest to evaluate due to the nature of its RNG based Hero Power. Some of these Hero Powers are straightforward and don't give the user any flexibility, such as Hunter and Warrior. But Shaman required a bit of calculation to figure out when they have lethal. They have the 1/1 Totem, but they also have the Strength Totem which buffs another minion with +1 attack. On average, a Shaman will have 0.25 damage on turn 3, then .5 additional damage each turn after. This is based on a 50% chance of getting either the 1/1 or the Strength totem, either of which add +1 attack. It was also hard to evaluate the Taunt Totem and how that matches against classes that attack, like Druid, DH, and Rogue. But in the end Shaman just outdamages all of them with or without the taunt so it didn't really matter anyway. On average, a Shaman deals lethal damage by turn 13, slightly edging out the Hunter who kills at 16. The really hard matchup to evaluate was Shaman vs Paladin, but we'll get to that later.

    In most of Priests matchups it just comes down to fatigue, much like my experience with Control Priest on ladder. It loses to minion based classes like Pally and Shammy, and loses in fatigue to armor generating classes like Warrior and Druid. In a fatigue matchup, an enemy will have taken 30 damage by turn 38, as shown on the chart below. Priest can outheal the damage done by Mage, Rogue, and DH until turn 38, when their opponents dies to fatigue.

    Turn Fatigue Damage Total Damage
    31 1 1
    32 2 3
    33 3 6
    34 4 10
    35 5 15
    36 6 21
    37 7 28
    38 8 36

    Paladin is very strong. By turn 9 they are dealing 7 damage a turn, and if the minions are uncontested this will kill an opponent without armor by turn 10. This deals more damage than any other class and kills quicker than Hunter, DH, or Rogue. It kills Warriors and Priests slower, but still surely. They cannot stop the Silver Hand Recruits. Druid and Mage, however, technically have winning matchups against the almighty Pally. If Druid/Mage go first, they can do 1 face damage before Pally summons a recruit. They then simply have to kill the 1/1 that's summoned every turn until turn 37, when both heroes are 1 turn away from fatigue. On their turn 37, Druid/Mage hits face again, and then Pally dies to fatigue first, just before Druid/Mage does, even though they went second. If Pally goes first, however, it is a tie as Mage/Druid can kill the 1/1 every turn. This isn't technically classified as a "tying" matchup like the Rogue/Mage example, as Paladin never wins this matchup, and Druid/Mage does win 50% of the time. EDIT: after thinking about, Druid/Mage also win if Pally goes first, because Pally will just die to fatigue first. So no matter what Druid/Mage win this matchup 100% of the time!

    Paladin vs Shaman was very difficult to analyze. In trying to calculate it I just couldn't wrap my head around all the RNG and possibilities, so I ended up just using my alt account and played out this matchup... 4 times. It took much longer than I thought. Shaman won all 4 fairly easily. The Taunt Totem was actually the MVP, especially when it got a +1 attack buff by the Strength Totem and healing from the healing totem. By the time all four totems were on the ground Pally didn't stand a chance. I could see Pally having a chance but it's extremely unfavorable. Pally would have to go first, then have Shammy get some bad RNG from his Hero Power.

    Matchup Charts

    Below is a spreadsheet showing each individual matchup by class.

    Matchup Chart

    Here's a cleaner break down of wins by each class:

    Class Wins Losses Ties
    Hunter 4 2 3
    Demon Hunter 3 6 0
    Mage 2 6 1
    Priest 4 4 1
    Druid 6 1 2
    Warrior 5 2 2
    Rogue 1 7 1
    Warlock 0 9 0
    Paladin 6 3 0
    Shaman 9 0 0


    So in order from first to worst, our Heroes rank as:

    1. Shaman
    2. Druid
    3. Paladin
    4. Warrior
    5. Hunter
    6. Priest
    7. Demon Hunter
    8. Mage
    9. Rogue
    10. Warlock

    I worked on this over the course of the week with little bits done here and there and I had a lot of fun with it. It's really interesting seeing how certain classes just match up better against others, like Rock, Paper, Scissors. Like how Mage beats one of the strongest classes in Paladin, but loses to everything else except Warlock. I originally had Pally vs Druid/Mage as tying matchups until I thought about how the Druid/Mage actually is favored, so things like that were to fun to analyze and discover as I went along.

    Is this all nonsense, pointless, and useless? Maybe. But I had fun with it and it was a good way to pass time. I hope you enjoyed!

    submitted by /u/Benjynn
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    Now that stealer is banned in wild design space is opened and blizz can finally print some unique cards like this without any worries.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    2/1 that's bigger than pine trees

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    How to become the bestest Priest player and get friend requests like never before!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    The following will highlight and explain in detail the first two turns of Priest gameplay. With this new understanding I have no doubt that you will become the bestest Priest player ever!

    Turn one:

    Make sure that your mouse pointer is not hovering over your deck or any hero portrait or power. Doing so will let your opponent know you are there. People think Rogue is sneaky, but a true Priest is sneakier... but you cannot sneak if they know you are there! You opponent must believe you have been intimidated by his puny hero power and that you have run away… screaming… out of your mom's basement.

    Do not worry if the rope starts to burn. The true Priest player draws his power from the smoke produced by the burning of the rope.

    Once the rope has burnt halfway, mouse over your hero power. Inspect your hero power as if you can use it on turn one. It is important to mouse over the hero power and move your pointer away from the hero power. This will let your opponent know that you are there and that your power level is so high that you might use your hero power on turn one. You must hover over the hero power at least three times in this time to increase the Priest's healing Chakras.
    End turn just before the rope has burnt out.
    Emote a "Greetings" as soon as your opponent's turn starts. This will intimidate and confuse them. Already placing them on the back foot at then end of your first turn!!

    Turn two:
    This turn is known as the "art appreciation turn". This turn is why Blizzard loves Priest players above all other players. As soon as your turn starts you must start hovering over your cards so that your opponent can see that you have more options than a hot girl at a Blizzard convention. You do not even have to read any of the card text, but it is important that you hover over every card and look at the artwork. A lot of work went into the artwork and this gives you some time to really appreciate it. If a card is playable, consider dragging it towards the board… but never play it! After inspecting two cards, drag the coin onto the board as if you are going to coin something out. Remember, do not play the coin and never coin out anything at this stage. You should not even be thinking about playing cards now! Turn one and two are not for playing cards! Not for real players! Sure, you might have the perfect card to play on curve, but you should not play it, this is not the way. Repeat the cycle of inspecting cards and fake-coining and fake-playing cards. This increases the potency of the coin and inspecting the artwork signals to Blizzard that you appreciate all their hard work and effort. As a reward they will reshuffle your deck into "Priest-order". This will effectively Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A your deck.

    Wait for the rope to start burning so you can absorb the mighty smoke-power. The smoke-power from the burnt rope is at its strongest the first two turns. If a noob is spectating and asks why you are roping, tell them it's because you are planning out your turns and then laugh at the joke you just made. Not only are you mighty, you are funny too!

    Once the rope starts burning at the end of turn two your playstyle will change depending on whether you are on coin or not:

    When on coin and the rope started burning: if your opponent played a minion on turn one and foolishly attacked you on turn two instead of just passing their first two turns (like a real Hearthstone connoisseur such as yourself would do), now is the time to heal face. But one does not simply heal face. It is important to hover over your portrait so that the opponent knows you are inspecting yourself for damage and that you did not appreciate his puny strike. Then hover over your hero power to make sure that it is still set to heal. Do this between three and five times while the rope is burning. Just before the rope runs out heal your own face. Let the rope run out anyway to show your opponent that you are a rebel and should be feared.

    When going first and the rope started burning: I am assuming you are still on 30 health. If not, then please refer to the section "when on coin and the rope started burning". Ok, assuming you are on 30 health now is the time to get to know your opponent. Hover over their portrait and hero power. Admire the artwork that went into their hero power. Be sure to read what their hero power does, to make sure that it was not mysteriously changed. Now hover over your own hero power so that they realize that you have the superior hero power. Hover over their hero power again so they feel bad about themselves, not only in-game but in real-life too. You have now asserted dominance. Before the turn ends quickly fake-coin again and then heal your own undamaged face and end turn. No need to let the rope run out to show that you are a rebel as you have already established your dominance.

    I hope this guide to playing Priest helps you improve your gameplay. I have play tested different playstyles in over 1 billion games and finally discovered the above tricks, which catapulted my winrate from 17% to over 300%! Good luck and I hope this guide helps you to become the bestest Priest player that you can be!

    submitted by /u/Gammbitt
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    Stealer of Souls be like: "FiNaLLy sOMe AcTiOn"

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    Standard meta right now

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    We finally did it boys. My life is complete.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    you the guy she tells you not to worry about

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:15 AM PDT

    Finally, I'm free (again)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    your wish is my suggestion!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    If I had one dust for every time I've gotten a card name wrong because the search bar doesn't recognize the British spelling I'd be crafting diamond cards

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    BG Patch - Old Races (Fanmade)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    Day 243,278,103: The AI is still terrible

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    How it feels seeing Illidari Inquisitor complaints already

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    The game bugged out so hard it spawned and counted 8 minions on board!! (not a visual bug)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Additional Language Packs

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    It would be REALLY awesome to have the option to import additional language packs into the game. Even on mobile. Japanese version of the voice lines sound SO bad ass.

    submitted by /u/dvrkstar
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    Was playing the Saviors of Uldum adventure and this happened. Anybody have any idea why this happened?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Can't play as anybody other than demon hunter because of a bug in the deck system.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Hello. I have stopped playing this game for a while and decided to come back to it. However, there are some issues that stop me from playing as anyone other than Demon Hunter.

    1: All my decks are ruined because the cards are locked out of "Apprenticeship"

    2:When the game wants to auto-make a deck and I say yes: it either says

    "2 cards are locked from apprenticeship. Would you like to complete your deck?"

    (If I click yes again, it just repeats itself.)

    Or it won't say anything and kick me to the deck overview.

    I have photos, if anybody wants them, I'll send them to you.

    (Also Demon Hunter works fine)

    submitted by /u/Loosedrawing
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    Wow I can't wait to assemble the blade of Que-

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    Who says this voice line?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    "You want it, I've got it"

    Might be a warlock card? Friend and I aren't sure

    submitted by /u/myheroscape20
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    Will Three Kingdoms bundle come back?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Simple question, I havent heard Blizzard say "nah" or "yeah" so if there are some more knowledgy people than me then please let me know! I just found out about Lü Bu because of Ragnarok and I think he is a cool man from history.

    submitted by /u/jozehd
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    Finally made it to diamond for the first time after playing for almost a decade! I’m not actually very good at this...

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:40 AM PDT

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