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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Hearthstone Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

    This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

    Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a PullsDay Thursday weekly post, for those who want to share their pulled packs.

    [Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/wiki/resources#wiki_sticky_threads)

    Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? [Message the moderators.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhearthstone)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [Art] Tried to do my own hearthstone card!!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Menacing Nimbus should Discover an Elemental rather than randomly generate one.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Me after the patch

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Guys i fixed Shaman!!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    Low effort meme

    Posted: 18 May 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    So playing jarraxus doesn't kill your weapon it deletes it I guess.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    Every Deck of Lunacy Option Visualized

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Alec Dawson says balance patch is working as intended. Classes are being set up for something in the future. Spicy miniset?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    "We will see how the nerfs and buffs affect the meta". The meta:

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    I’m so tired of losing to them

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    New bundles in the store (1 golden legendary and 5 golden standard packs or 2 golden legendaries and 10 golden standard packs)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    After long, suffering, laborious hours of pressing the Hero Power button on Even Hunter, it's FINALLY earned!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Are there actually people here who enjoy playing Hearthstone?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    Because from the looks of it everyone is having a kind of stockholm-syndrom like relationship with a game they actually hate.

    Y'all just here to be toxic and wallow in the drama or are the fellow Hearthstone players and enjoyers here?

    submitted by /u/TickatusIsBadatus
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    The real meme. Let's name her Sad Drudge

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Xblyzes gets a 2-point deduction from Grandmasters and a fine (accusation of win trading)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    I've been playing this game since beta, and hit legend a few times, but this is my proudest accomplishment so far. Now on to the 800+ wins I need for Demon Hunter...

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    Please make Yogg animations faster.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    I lost a game after yogg master of fate hit on random spells. I drew cards that could've saved me but of course I couldn't play them. Because by the time I received the cards my turn was over. It's just unacceptable to lose because of animations smh.

    submitted by /u/giantsx6
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    Honest Apothecary Helbrim

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    Classic Hearthstone made me appreciate Standard and Wild far more than I thought.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    This is just a thought i wish to get out. Been trying to climb classic hs for the past few days and here is what I noticed...

    - It is much much harder to climb in classic than it is in standard and wild. It could be me being bad in classic while in standard/wild I can get to legend with deathrattle DH and ETC warrior for wild but its strange.

    - The myth that control warrior games were this very methodical sequence of you thinking ahead for like 2-3 turns ahead isn't true. In most cases, it really was you trying to develop as much tempo, remove their boards and so forth, and finish game with either Alex or Grommash

    - Very little level of counterplay. Like you can't really come back without the right spell or tempo. It feels like arena. Unless you're warrior or warlock with massive board clear, you can't come back.

    - Hunter was grossly overexaggerated while shaman was the opposite. Shaman is much stronger than people were thinking.

    I know its the obvious low cards and what not but I was honestly thinking there was gonna be some fun times here and streamers were gonna show how good it was... It turns out its nothing like classic wow vs retail wow or anything like that at all. Levels of participation for classic are so much more lower than I thought they were gonna be.

    submitted by /u/Wadadelete000
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    Literally unbuyable

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Makes sense

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    The Consortium Of Angry Shamans Presents: A Small Compromise To Oh My Yogg

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    The Consortium Of Angry Shamans Presents: A Small Compromise To Oh My Yogg

    Okay, it's obvious that Oh My Yogg is kind of a polarizing card. People who spend hours painstakingly crafting the perfect deck, the deck that will finally get them to Legend so that they can tell us about it, don't like to see the one card they really depended on doing a thing other than the thing they wanted. I get that. I do. Their primary argument is that it's "basically counterspell, but paladin secrets cost less, and also it does a different thing than counterspell" and... you probably didn't phrase it as poorly as that, so I hear you.

    Meanwhile, Paladin players point out, not without reason, that Oh My Yogg actually doesn't win them many games, and the data kinda backs that up. While Paladin is clearly, absolutely, alarmingly broken at the moment, Oh My Yogg itself seems to be doing little more than, well... stopping some spells (some crucial, many not) from working. Sometimes this winds up hurting the Paladin, which is a delight to see. Paladin opponents who wind up getting a beneficial result from Oh My Yogg, but then still lose, like to point to how perfect their deck was, and how legend was in their grasp, guys for reals, and how is it possible that one class does a thing another class does, but not really, for a different cost?

    What we have here appears to be a Caverns Below situation, where the card itself isn't actually as busted as the community says, but people feel bad when they lose to it. As a shaman main I sympathize. I, too, lose games... and more than games...

    \Sad music\**

    Now, as we all know, Blizzard refuses to removes Priest's toys when people hate losing to them, and Blizzard also always removes Rogue's toys when people hate losing to them, so let's possibly suggest a small, incremental change that goes in the middle. A change that fixes the problem just enough to get people to stop complaining about it when they lose to it, makes the paladins feel like they're losing something fun, and makes the folks at Blizzard get away with doing almost nothing. The perfect fix.

    "You can tell it's perfectly balanced, because we've hit the point where no one is having fun with anything surrounding it anymore."

    -Ben Brode

    So when we get into the redesign, let's take a good honest look at some key features of Secrets and Paladin class identity. Yes, I know the "paladins don't have class identity" meme, but it'd lose some punch so close to the "obviously fake quote" joke above, so just bear with me. Some key elements to consider:

    • Secrets stop other players from doing things, or cause good things to happen that other players won't like.
    • Paladins will often change game elements in a way that reflects balance or justice or uniformity or whatever.

    With me so far? Great! Now it gets tricky:

    • Paladins have Secrets, and so do Other Classes.
    • It is okay for different Classes to do similar things to each other for different costs, provided that the things are within their class identity.
    • Paladin secrets have a lower cost than that of other classes.
    • Sometimes text is bolded for emphasis, but other times it feels like it's almost random.

    With those above points in mind, we arrive at what might be a painful truth: it is okay for Paladin to have an effect that is similar to a Mage effect for a lower cost.

    I know! I know. Heresy! Heresy all around, and I must beg your forgiveness for it. But here's the thing: as a representative of the Consortium of Angry Shamans, I must look up from my Fire of Far Sight and blink a lot because I've just done some damage to my Eyes of Regular Sight by looking into a fire too long, and come to you with the following revelation: Paladins AREN'T stealing from Mage.

    They're stealing from Shaman.

    "Bow down before the god of savings..."*Accompanying chanting noises*

    -Yogg Sales-on, Employee of the Month

    So there's a class that once had a really, really good success rate. That period of time was called... actually, I'll use a different name so it's not super obvious. There was a period in Hearthstone history called "Shmamanstone", so called because a class called the, uh... let's call them Shmamans... had a *lot* of fun tools going for them. One of the fun tools was a new mechanic introduced the last time the old gods started poking their tentacles around, a mechanic called Evolution. Shmamans would point at minions, and bam, it's a different minion that costs more.

    "Oh, what's that, I have a whole field of minions? *Shmamanstone* now it's a field of different, more expensive minions! Oh what's that, you have your own field of minions to counter them? Shmamanstone, now they all cost one less! Sorry 'bout that golden Ragnaros, it's just a War Golem now! Oh no, I've become a Death Knight?! Shmamanstone, now ALL my minions are worth two more than before, and my hero power upgrades them further! Wait, what do you mean shmamanstone is over? What are these frost-based cards? HELP!"

    As you can see, it was a pretty tumultuous time. This theme has never lurked very far from Sham... er, Shmamans, resurfacing as explosive evolutions, mutations, and a ninja who turned herself into someone who cost more (a mechanic that should really be revisited) and, most recently, revolutions, transforming minions into other minions of the same cost. The same cost you say, eh? Interesting...

    I put forth to you, friends, that Oh My Yogg is NOT counterspell-plus-other-stuff. No, don't believe the lies and slander! That's just what Team 5 wants you to think! No, my friends, Oh My Yogg is an EVOLVE EFFECT! Or, more specifically, a REVOLVE effect! Stolen from the very same set that introduced our Revolution card, Paladins, fresh from Scholomance, wasted no time in learning how to copy the other class' homework. And it's not the first time either! Shamans have had their best stuff stolen and given to Paladin for years. Years!

    • What class keeps sharing Shamans "buffing wide fields of minions while also buffing large individual minions" deal? Paladins!
    • What class keeps getting new and innovative Murloc cards while Shamans get left with all the weird goopy ones that flurgl all over the place? Paladins!
    • What class keeps getting more and more spiritually potent weaponry while Shamans are lucky to get a new and fun mystical weapon twice a year? \Paladins!**
    • What class STOLE the Shamans schtick of rezzing minions as an immediate deathrattle effect in weird ways that allows for multiple stacking deathrattles at a time with Grave Rune? *Priests!\*
    • And WHAT class is it that even now has you thinking that it's THEIR magic at work in this transformative, mana-based alteration of an in-game effect even though it's obviously in the Shaman wheelhouse? PALADINS!

    Time and time again, Paladins plunder what they will from Shamans, lifting our heritage and incorporating it into their shiny armies of dudes in armor. And okay, I get it, it happens. Classes can do similar things, that's fine. Sure. That was way back in part one of this essay. Well, NOT here bucko, not anymore! You think you can take our Evolution mechanic and pretend we don't notice because it's a Secret? Fine! Do it! But you gave it too much shamanistic RNG pal, and now the whole community's mad at you! This random spell could affect *ANYTHING*, and if there's one thing the Spike-heavy players of Hearthstone hate it's a Johnny or Timmy-style disruption effect that's fueled by RNG!

    So to summarize: we don't fix Oh My Yogg by changing it into a different card. We don't make it a new card by giving the people who trigger it bonus spells that they can play for free, or the option to get their mana back and not cast a spell instead. This spell was always gonna pull the rug out from under us. There's no avoiding that. But what CAN we do? Get rid of the Shaman's RNG element, and make it a spell that's about JUSTICE. About FAIRNESS. We'll borrow some wording from one of Paladin's own cards, High Abbess Alura, and fix it not by making it less than it is... but by making it embrace the fact that it's a card for Paladins. It's a small change... I'm certain many will say that it's too small. But hear me out:


    This is a spell that should leave everyone... unhappy, but maybe not as unhappy as they might be. Consider the following with this change:

    • Classes that typically want to deal damage have a higher chance of still dealing damage.
    • Classes that typically want to give buffs have a higher chance of still giving buffs.
    • It's still a random spell, so none of that is guaranteed, and the legacy of Yogg Saron's original card is preserved.
    • Paladins who like the card keep something very in line with its original effect.
    • Tactical players still get to keep a fun tool to use against Strategic players (most of the other nerfs I've seen suggested take the form of "I'm a Strategy player, and this card ruins my fun, so THIS nerf gives me a new card that *I* can choose how to play" kinda missing the point, I think)
    • Paladins still have a decent risk of accidentally clearing their own board with it, further preserving the legacy of the original Yogg Saron.
    • We can finally stop complaining about this Mildly Annoying At Best card and start complaining about ACTUAL problematic cards in the Paladin's arsenal (and oh yes, there are plenty. Oh My Yogg is weaker by far, it just *feels* worse.)

    So that's the suggestion that we at the Consortium of Angry Shamans have devised. Hopefully, we can take this opportunity, talk about it (since I'm sure you all read this thoroughly instead of just downvoting something that looks like it's not automatically in the "burn all paladin things to the ground" camp), and grow as a community of players and developers who treasure and respect all of th... hey.


    Hey, I SEE you outside that window, Uther!




    \Grabs Doomhammer and runs out the door, followed by an assortment of elementals and Lewis Carrol-inspired monsters while Yakkety Sax plays**


    -Ben Brode

    Or just leave the card as it is, I genuinely don't mind, there are so many better ways to deal with Paladin.

    submitted by /u/CraterLabs
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    Golden Standard Bundle ($25 & $50) Discussion

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    What are your thoughts!? Seems a little pricey to me.. especially since they still have the Standard Bundle for $5 which includes identical non-gold items: 1 random Standard Legendary and 5 Standard packs.

    The Golden Legendary is nice because you can dust it for 1600 and basically get a Legendary of your choosing (if they sold 1 random Gold Legendary for $5, I would probably pay that) but the 5 golden packs seem like a complete rip-off. Let's be honest you will most likely get 4x common (160 dust) +1 rare (100 dust) = 260 dust per pack; in the 5 packs, if you're lucky, you might get 1 epic which an additional 400 dust.

    By the math above the $25 bundle nets you approximately 1900 dust (give to take; assuming you get 1 epic; otherwise around 1500 dust). This is not counting the Gold Legendary which is 1600. Approximately 3500 dust for $25

    It is a lot of dust but it's also a lot of money for the value. Especially if the gold Legendary you hit is something that you want; that actually makes the deal worse because now you don't want to dust it (until you find the regular version.. IF you ever find it).

    Anyways, what do you guys think; is it a good deal? Do you think it's worth $25 or double for $50?

    submitted by /u/idgamerd1
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