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    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    Hearthstone The word of Dog

    Hearthstone The word of Dog

    The word of Dog


    Frenzy and Spellburst share UI icon on the cards. I know both are one-time triggered abilities so the icon must be related to that and not the keyword but maybe a color adjustment may help to differenciate them, like red sparkles for Frenzy and blue for Spellburst.


    Every time


    Blizzard please collapse all versions of a card into a single slot. The wild collection is currently super bloated and cumbersome to navigate


    The second coming of Alignment Druid


    The hero we need


    In castilian spanish there is a HORRIBLE mistake. The new Deathwing card says it DRAW cards instead of discarding them.


    Can we all talk about the little Frog in Lilypad Lurker?


    When you're told to remove golden core cards from your all-golden deck


    Tavern brawl not working correctly


    Dyed my eggs, and when they hatched, they didn't have any of the properties of the dye.

    Play at your own risk.

    submitted by /u/miltonberlescock
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    Really fun and interactive!


    Tavern brawl doesn’t work properly? The eggs always hatch as 1/3 bunnies and take 2 turns to hatch


    Made this breakfast for my bf since he was up all night hyping over the new expansion ��


    Control Warlock (After a lot of testing, I made this deck and it got me to legend in two days. I would greatly recommend it to anyone that hates playing against secret paladin)


    Nerfs feel bad and this is anxiety incarnate


    Thanks I guess!


    The 5 Mana golem from Kazakus is bad worded. It says "Deal 3 Damage to 2 random enemies" while it can hit the same enemy twice (with more than 1 enemy on the filed. Lost me a game recently.


    First day of school and I get 2 groupmates that set themselves on fire


    just noticed this inconsistency: is Mankrik left-handed or right-handed?


    Played this game since BETA, and thankfully reached Legend today for the first time. Thanks to my wife and daughter during the mad dash to Legend!


    Hearthstone: The Tower Defense Card Game


    XP bug affecting Tavern Pass buyers, netting them less XP than advertised.


    XP bug affecting Tavern Pass buyers, netting them less XP than advertised.

    EDIT 2: Developers responded in comments, confirming it is a bug. They are working on a fix.

    So i purchased tavern pass, currently with 15% XP boost. When claiming achievements, i noticed i only am getting 5 or 6% increased XP, instead of advertised 10%, 15% or 20% depending on what level you are on Tavern pass.

    Look at achievement below for example. It naturally gives 500 xp by default (proof: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/2893-hearthstone-gets-new-achievements-for-spell-schools-rewards-track-classic-core-cards-and-forged-in-the-barrens)

    Even with 15% tavern pass increase, i am only getting 33 extra XP, instead of 75xp (equivalent of 15%).

    You may say that 42xp difference does not mean anything, but it affects ALL achievements that give XP, maybe even XP earned by playing.

    Wanted to share this so we can get a fix as soon as possible.


    EDIT: You also gain no XP bonus for playing ranked games!!! This is huge. It can easily be confirmed by playing battlegrounds (XP you get are green in color, showing active XP boost), while they are white in color (showing that XP bonus is not active) if you play ranked/casual. Picture below.

    Xp boost not active in ranked mode (white color)

    Xp boost active in battlegrounds


    submitted by /u/LordMalkoth
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    Please run Nozdormu, he's free!


    Blizzard, make "New Deck" appear first on the list of decks in collection


    I think this will be a nice UI improvement. To create a new deck we have to scroll through all decks. Also this is already quite slow for mobile users. In a long term if there will be more deck slots it will be even more annoying.

    submitted by /u/1JSD
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