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    Hearthstone Interview - Schoolproject

    Hearthstone Interview - Schoolproject

    Interview - Schoolproject

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Hey I have a quick question. Idk if its the right place because I'm a new to reddit.

    But I have a school project in which I write about ESports. I need an interview with a professional player, that would be the best. So if someone woulb be open to an interview (12 Questions).

    I'm already late, noone anwserd me before so I try it here now.

    submitted by /u/obelixdergr0sse
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    C'Thun's Body everyone. From one of his 4 pieces.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    That is one way to lose a game

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    My pens that bite, my losers that catch!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    i wanna know with proof if this happened to someone

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    Nice To See Again Card From 2017

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    An upcoming Hero portrait for Mage from @cryofowlart on Twitter!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I pulled off a true exodia combo in duels using emerald goggles

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Duels is not even close to being as P2W as everybody complained it would be. You can very easily succeed without a large collection.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I have a functionally full collection and have been playing duels nonstop since it released. Outside of trying weird experimental strats I can easily maintain what would be considered a close to infinite win rate assuming rewards will be like they are in arena. What I'm trying to say is I've been around the block a few times in duels and I'm doing pretty well. The past few days I have made a concerted effort to try to make decks with budget in mind. Taking out some legendaries from current sets or cards from wild just to see how I do. Spoiler alert: I'm still doing just as well. I haven't been keeping detailed stats but I would estimate I'm doing about 1 win, maybe a win and a half, lower on average.

    • This mode is based on synergy more than single powerful cards: This might be kind of a duh point but its REALLY true. Once you get beyond your first few games thats where your run lives or dies. The best starter deck in the world will not carry you if you don't choose good buckets and get good treasure. Outside of those first couple games you are rarely going to win because you draw that one wild legendary you put in your deck. Most of my wins are based on insane treasures and synergies found from buckets.
    • Standard cards are insane: Power creep is the standard players best friend in this mode. Every rotation in duels will likely contain a lot of classic/basic/standard cards. Will there sometimes be wild cards that are strict upgrades? Of course there will be. My point is that this advantage is marginal and mostly frontloaded into the first couple of games as I said above.
    • Decks are small, singleton, and usually cheap: When I look at all the current best decks people are posting I notice this more and more. They all have few epics and never more than 2-3 legendaries. They are mostly rares and commons to lay down a base level of synergy for the deck. Even then some legendaries can be replaced with only a marginal loss in power to the run as a whole.
    • Its not going to be hard to obtain the wild cards you might need: At some point there will be a rotation where a few cards from wild are going to be overpowered in duels. Its almost guaranteed to happen. I don't think its unreasonable to be expected to craft a small handful of epics/legendaries to compete at the top level of a competitive format with rewards. Even with that being the case everything I already said still applies. You will only ever need a single copy of any card, and there will likely always be substitutes if you don't mind potentially losing a win or two on a run.

    At the end of the day they people who will suffer are those who are purely f2p and struggle to put together standard decks each expansion. Ranked duels is not for them. If you are pre ordering expansions and actively playing constructed you will have zero issue being competitive in duels, regardless of the size of your wild collection.

    submitted by /u/elnubnub420
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    Thought this was relevant in our day and age

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    The 5 Stages of Libroom Paladin and the Opponent's 5 Stages of Depression

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Hello, it's u/3x3x7x13x23x37. I've been playing for around five years and ranked D5 or above for around four. I've hit Legend when I felt like it three or four times and hit Legend when I didn't feel like it once. That was this month, where I was just playing Hearthstone and watching lecture videos, and absentmindedly hit Legend accidentally.

    The deck I was playing was Libroom Paladin (Impure Paladin) and this is probably the most overtuned deck I've seen short of pre-nerf Galakrond Shaman. Libroom Paladin's game plan is complex. It's an aggro-zoo-midrange-value-combo deck, and its' only weakness is a Libroom Paladin with a better draw. Let me break down how the game goes.

    Stage 1: Aggro / Denial

    You start the game out as an aggro deck. Your standard turn 1 plays are a 1 mana 1/3 or the better of two one drops from the first day of school. They quickly control the board and/or the opponent's face when they're buffed with Hand of A'dal. Afterward, you can quickly cycle into your next cards with Loot Hoarder and Salhet's Pride.

    This stage is called Denial because you deny your opponent the ability to stick a one drop on the board when you trade your 3 mana 3/5 draw a card into their one drop on turn two, and will also have them saying "There is no way every Paladin I go against has Aldor Attendant into Hand of A'Dal." If your opponent's sense of denial and lack of one drop has not yet caused them to concede and/or have a mental breakdown, we can always proceed into Stage 2.

    Stage 2: Board Control (Zoo) / Anger

    Now that you've drawn a few cards from your cycle cards, and you draw your Pen Flingers or Broomstick from Salhet's Pride, you become a Zoo deck. Zoo is a mix of token generation and small removal, which you have in spades. Every token you generate automatically gets +1/+1 or +2/+2, and also is another bounce or two bounces to your Pen Flinger.

    This stage is called Anger because your opponent will be saying "God I wish I could kill those little Pen Flinger shits but they're never on the board since they always keep bouncing away back into their hand every goddamn time." Also, in some games, this is the point in the game where you play High Abbess Alura (plus First Day of School or Libram of Wisdom) and summon a 0 mana 8/8 with Divine Shield and Taunt, thus multiplying their existing anger by 8 and giving it divine shield and taunt, thus making them both forced to and unable to deal with their mental state. If you have not drawn Alura, or if your opponent is Dalai Lama's ghost and has not conceded to his angry demons (since even he would give in when Alura pulls LIbram of Hope), then proceed to Stage 3.

    Stage 3: Midrange (Tempo) / Bargaining

    Your key cards during this stage of the game are as follows.

    Wispwalker: a 0 mana 4/5 Divine Shield Taunt (Devout Pupil)

    Fen Creeper***: *has four attack. *costs negative twenty mana *is usually a 5/7 or 6/8. (Aldor Truthseeker)

    3x Twisting Nether***: *either gives you a 3/2 or a 1/4 weapon. *costs 3 or 5 0 mana plus a little more for pen flingers. *only destroys enemy minions (Lord Barov, 2 x Libram of Justice)

    This stage is called Bargaining because, in some games, your opponent will get a good draw or get lucky, and start building up a small board. Or they may pull off a crazy combo and cheat out some big minions. They'll think in their mind's eye "as long as this infernal aggro/zoo hybrid paladin I've been dealing with doesn't have hard removal, this game is in the bag." But you'll do even better. You'll have hard removal for their entire board, sanity, and family bloodline. All for the price of between 0 and 2 mana, plus one for each minion on the board and alive family member for each pen flinger. Even if you spend all your mana on pen flingers, you can easily reclaim the board with 0 mana Sunwalkers. If they are not too busy mourning the death of their 18/18 Edwin or their cousin four times removed on the mother's side, proceed to Stage 4.

    Stage 4: Value / Depression

    So your opponent has done well to make it this far. They've had to wade through metric shiploads of bullshit. They'll have played every turn optimally and played around all of your answers perfectly to make it to this point. Or maybe they're playing an aggro deck, finisher in hand, looking at your face while you only have 3 health. Now is the time to show them depression. For just the low price of three mana, you can make your enemies feel true despair. For just 3 mana, you can create a 19 health wall between their board of minions and your exposed little Paladin skin that you bought to make you feel better about the packs that you bought. For just 6 mana, you can watch a Highlander Hunter struggle in confusion as they have to choose between killing their King Krush by attacking it into an 8/8 Divine Shield with Taunt, or another 8/8 Divine Shield with Taunt. It all makes sense, as the opposite of Libram of Hope, is true despair.

    Sorry, I was too busy consuming mmr that I forgot to mention the value. Now that you have the mana for it, your pen flingers become basically an upgraded hero power. Remember Shadowreaper Anduin? How he had the hero power "Deal 2 Damage, Refresh on Card Play?" Now that you have your Librams prepared and your double pen flingers in hand, your hero power now becomes, "Deal 1 Damage split among two chosen enemies, give a minion +1/+1, and have your enemy file your tax returns for you. Refreshes on Spellcast." For two mana. If your opponent is too depressed to lift their finger to the settings button to concede, or if they are too busy filing your tax returns to notice that you've suddenly put a 38 health wall between their Spymistress and its intended target, proceed to Stage 5.

    Stage 5: Combo / Acceptance

    When you are ready to proceed to this stage, empty your hand of all cards except 2x Pen Flinger, and possibly Lady Liadrin (if you have already drawn her.) Your opponent will get a glimmer of hope, as if they deal with all the minions on the board, you may run out of fuel. How wrong they are. Lady Liadrin turns your aggro-zoo-midrange-value deck into an aggro-zoo-midrange-value-combovalue deck. After you play Lady Liadrin, your hand will be two pen flingers, a few miscellaneous spells (as in more 3 mana Libram of Hopes and Hand of A'Dals), and several Libram of Wisdoms. By keeping tokens on the board, every Libram can be cast several times a turn, and every Libram cast is accompanied by two pen flingers. Your hero power now transitions from "Deal 1 Damage split among two chosen enemies, give a minion +1/+1, and have your enemy file your tax returns for you. Refreshes on Spellcast." to 10 mana "Cast Lantern of Power and Pyroblast, except both of them are broken down so the buff and damage can be split. Also, you now own the IRS." The only reprieve for your enemy is that if he mutes the game, he will not have to hear the pen flinger battlecry noise ten times a turn. And after he does the simple math of [ceiling(myhealth/10)] + [my will to live], he can find out how many more turns he has within him until his dreams of reaching Silver 3 are crushed. There is nothing more for him to do. There is only peace and the acceptance of death.

    Some Actual Tips:

    This deck is legitimately broken if you put the time into thinking about every turn, saving your board clears optimally and sequencing your pen flingers to get maximum damage. I'm not really exaggerating too much when I say that your game plan goes from aggro -> zoo -> midrange -> value -> combo. The deck's best matchup is against Warrior since it's unable to deal with the value, but it also has high tempo early plays and great board control tools. I've killed opponents by Turn 6, but I've also beaten a Druid that played Overgrowth -> Guardian Animals on 8 -> Ysera Unleashed on 9 -> Topdeck Dream Portal and Forest Warden Omu -> Survival of the Fittest -> Kaelthas -> Bullshit -> Survival -> Bullshit -> Survival, and survived two turns of +12/+12 minions to win. I've beaten a Warlock that played six full turns of 4/4 lackeys from Taekahn and more which he generated from Grand Lackey Erkh.

    Try to keep as many tokens on the board as you can. Every token is another way to bounce your Librams of Wisdom and your pen flingers. Don't let your Librams of Wisdom get stuck on big minions, or they could be frozen, stolen by Priest, Hexed by Shaman (imagine playing Shaman), or just unable to be killed. The only thing you need to do to win is to keep your Librams of Wisdom and Pen Flingers active. Use Animated Broomstick to create more active tokens, and don't be afraid of using Pen Flinger on your own minions to bounce back your Librams of Wisdom.

    Good luck, and see you in the Sixth circle of hell. It's heresy, for impure paladin players like ourselves. If you want a decklist, just use vicious syndicate or your closest nuclear arms silo. There's not much room for adjustment since every card must be utilized in the deck.

    submitted by /u/3x3x7x13x23x37
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    There seem to be some rare passives in Duels

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    I was told to post these here from r/wow. Class icons made with perler beads.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Friendly FYI: If you get the Duels early access drop, you also get a quest for playing 2 games in it—make sure you keep a quest slot open!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    When you hear "Hey Loser" too many times

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    had to hit em with the classic

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Is this a healthy amount of cards to generate?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Darkmoon Faire - The Old Gods Rise Again! [Wallpapers 2.0 With Yogg!] Attempt #2

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Found these codes while cleaning my room dont know if it's any good but I hope it helps

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    It costed the life of many murlocs to finally summon the golden god

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Thanks for reconnecting me... oh. Guess I'll lose then

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    That didn't quite hit the mark. (He roped then conceded after this.)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2020 12:36 PM PDT

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