• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    Hearthstone Money printer went BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

    Hearthstone Money printer went BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

    Money printer went BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Solarian pyroblasted him for lethal, then continued casting without valid enemy targets, then pyroblasted me too

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Dear Blizzard, I fixed Battlegrounds pro bono

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Just Say What Minion Type Got Banned In Battlegrounds

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    I might be alone with this, but when playing Battlegrounds i'd much rather be told what minion type I CAN'T play instead of the four minion types I can play. I always feel that sense of panic rise up when I think "Fuck okay I can play Pirates, Demons, Murlocs... no wait that says Mechs okay so what are my hero options, which one do I like the best and which one suffers the most here?" Panic makes idiots of us all I suppose.

    I understand wanting people to know what's available to them, but for people with slow connection times or reading issues it might be best just to say "We banned Beasts this game, have fun.". I'd say 90% of players know what every tribe in the game is at this point so it should be easier to figure out what's available to you rather than what you can't play.

    Just something to think about.

    submitted by /u/RidiculousAnimeSword
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    Arcane Cannon feels infuriating and polarizing in a game mode where attacking first already has a huge impact.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I don't know, I'm not saying it's OP or anything but, it feels really annoying to lose the coin flip on first to attack and start to get bombarded. It feels way too snowbally in an already snowball effect-filled gamemode.

    I would say at least make it a 0 attack minion so that only it's effect affects the board. Kinda fits the theme of someone firing the cannon as well, no crew using it = no attack power.

    submitted by /u/MillenniumDH
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    My greed was my undoing

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Illidan truely knows no fear

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Immovable object vs Immovable object

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    [Wild] vS Data Reaper Report #23

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:01 AM PDT


    The Vicious Syndicate Team is proud to present the 23rd edition of the Wild Data Reaper Report. We are happy to continue this collaboration with the class experts from R/WildHearthstone.

    As always, special thanks to all those who contribute their game data to the project. This project could not succeed without the support of data contributors. The entire vS Team is eternally grateful for your assistance.

    This Wild Data Report is based on 60,000 games. In this report you will find:

    • Wild Decklists

    • Class/Archetype Distribution Over All Games

    • Class/Archetype Distribution "By Rank" Games

    • Interactive Matchup Win-Rate Chart

    • vS Power Rankings

    • vS Meta Score

    • Analysis/Discussion of each Class

    The full article can be found at: vS Wild Data Reaper Report #23

    As always, thank you all for your fantastic feedback and support. We are looking forward to all the additional content we can provide everyone.


    • If you haven't already, please sign up to contribute your game data. More data will allow us to provide more insights in each report, and perform other kinds of analysis. Sign up here, and follow the instructions.

    • Listen to the newly-launched Data Reaper Podcast, in which we expand on subjects that are discussed in each weekly Data Reaper Report. If you're interested in learning more about developments in the Hearthstone meta, the insights we've gathered as well as other interesting subjects related to the analysis that is done to create the Data Reaper Report, you can listen to RidiculousHat and ZachO talk about them every week. The Podcast comes out on the weekend, a couple of days after each report is published.

    Thank you for your feedback and support,

    The Vicious Syndicate Team

    submitted by /u/ViciousSyndicate
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    I did it guys, I DID IT!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Maybeeeee parrot could use a nerf. Started combat as unbuffed 6/4.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    i like the band of scarabs

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Was this supposed to be hard?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Has anyone heard from Arena?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    I don't know about you all, but I haven't got a text back from Arena in ages I'm starting to get worried about her. Mind going and checking in person?

    Visit with your mom too while you're at it. thanks!

    submitted by /u/CptRedCap
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    Suggestions: HS shop should show you how many packs you have bought.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    The shop should show you how many of each specific pack you have bought and add a counter of how many you have bought since the last legendary. This will help people decide what they want to get.

    submitted by /u/Freya0903
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    Legit One Shot

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    I'm still learning on this game however every now and then I hit the big time. Parrots and the Demon Hunter are OP!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    I love any given opportunity to play George

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Dealing with Ladder Anxiety

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone! I am Rarran and I am here to talk about ladder anxiety.

    Some background on myself: I am a high legend player, currently I am at 343 legend on the NA server and I have been playing this game since closed beta and I used to suffer quite a bit with ladder anxiety. I would be too nervous to queue up for games because I was too scared that I would lose my rank that I worked so hard to get. This would cause me to not play Hearthstone and only watch streams and get jealous of people who were much higher rank than me. This was a horrible mindset

    So how did I overcome ladder anxiety: If you would prefer here is a video on what I will be talking about! Video

    The first thing I did in order to get over a ladder anxiety is to stop focusing on my rank. When you focus on your rank you don't focus on improving and you only care about the outcomes of games, either winning or losing. This is a mindset that can cause a player to be terrified into queuing a game. If you are diamond 1 and your only focus is to hit legend, every game is very intimidating, since if you lose a game you are further away from your goal and this puts you in a worse situation.

    Instead of focusing on your rank what you want to be doing is focusing on improving as a player. This mindset will change the way you look at Hearthstone and queuing up for games, since you're not worried about your rank and your only worry is about improving as a player each game. This way you focus on your gameplay instead of your rank and this is a much better mindset. An easy way to get in this mindset is to reflect after every single game, after each game think of one thing that you could be doing better or one thing that worked well and reflect on why that was a good or bad decision. Over a period of time you will be a much better player and you will be rewarded with a higher rank.

    Second thing is make sure you play decks you are comfortable with. One of the worst things I see for newer players do is that they go to sites like HSREPLAY and pick the best deck and queue it up, and hope it carries them to a higher rank, when in reality this is a horrible decision and you start to doubt yourself and the deck after every loss. So pick one or two decks in the meta, get comfortable on them and only queue those up until you feel like you are ready to move to another one. This reduces the amount of doubt and put more confidence in yourself, which should help subside the anxiety.


    In my opinion one of the better ways of getting over ladder anxiety is to focus on yourself rather than your rank and improve as a player over a period of time. I can't guarantee that these tips will help you to get over ladder anxiety but I really hope they help to subside it

    Thanks for reading my post!

    YouTube Channel:

    Twitch Channel

    submitted by /u/RarranYT
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    WARNING!!! 100% game breaking de-sync bug in current tavern brawl!

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 07:43 AM PDT

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