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    Monday, April 6, 2020

    Hearthstone Keywords aren’t confusing to new players

    Hearthstone Keywords aren’t confusing to new players

    Keywords aren’t confusing to new players

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    In the next expansion Reliquary of Souls will be only 1 mana legendary. I think we can shuffle so many prime cards in the deck.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Though he's rotating out, we will never forget his sacrifice

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Triple Pyro Dream

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Fun fact: Al'ar's flavor text is "Week #679: Still no mount..." It has been exactly 679 weeks since Tempest Keep launched in 2007

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Needed a break from ladder, "Who let the new guy in?"

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    HSReplay.net - Most Popular Cards Rotating to Wild (by expansion)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Shadow Word: Pain? Never heard of it

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Twas the night before Outland...

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Twas the night before Outland

    and I'm stuck at Gold three

    and I read a poem

    from a retiree.

    Twas the night before Outland

    and all through the game

    Hunters use Dragons

    and Priests are in shame.

    The many players of many classes

    who've had stacks of packs

    gather to mourn

    the loss of Zilliax.

    As Maiev sings in the shadow

    and Illidan rakes his eyes

    we all wait in excitement

    hoping for a surprise --

    another free legendary

    or packs

    or more quests than expected

    or just Leeroy Jenkins, unmolested.

    Demon Hunter seems nice

    but not what was needed

    requests for better balance

    should have been heeded.

    With "Descent and Awakening are OP"

    and "Ashes is weak",

    the future of the meta

    sure does seem bleak.

    But we'll play aggro and combo

    and control and mid-range

    with hopes to hit Legend

    oh, what a pain!

    The new ladder rewards help

    but extra ranks were confusing

    and many wish they were new

    for a deck of their choosing.

    Packs are better to open

    as it's no longer a fear

    to pull six Bolf

    and no Coldlight Seer.

    Until the first nerfs

    after finding where it's crass

    we've got some new toys

    and a breakable new class.

    submitted by /u/l3l_aze
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    Final Pre-Rotation Checklist

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    In roughly 24 hours, Outlands will drop. Here are a few reminders:

    • Keep an extra quest slot open. For April 7, 8, and 9 we get legendary quests in addition to our daily quests.

    • Get an arena run to 2 losses. When Outland hits, the run will retire and you will get a free arena ticket. This means even if you go 0-2 for both runs, you will get 2 packs for 150 gold. The value! (Start your run soon, they close arena several hours before the actual rotation.

    • Don't go nuts on crafting day 1 if you're on a tight budget. The meta can change drastically within the first few weeks as people optimize. So if you see a deck that a streamer took to legend that requires 3 niche legendaries, just hold off for a few days.

    • Get to a ranked floor. This is optional but from what I've found, if you're at a rank floor (rank 5/10 of any rank) then there's less stress to netdeck and climb, so you can mess around and have fun.

    • Finally, remember that some of the end of season rewards contain expansion packs so don't worry if you're close to the pity timer. You just may get that epic and/or legendary you want on May 1st!

    Good luck, have fun!

    submitted by /u/TheOneTrueDoge
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    My calendar actually IS prepared for the Ashes of Outland launch..

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    After years of settling for dad legend, this quarantine has given me time to finally realize my dream. I don’t have any friends, family or acquaintances to show but I know I have the support of my family on r/hearthstone!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT


    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    A buff on Al'ar since it's too weak right now

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Can we get an F in the chat for this guy

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    A Layman's Guide to Hearthstone Terms

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT


    Have you ever had discussions about Hearthstone with other people? No? Well, congratulations.

    In the event you have, however, you might have found yourself confused by the strange language that the players and designers of the game use. The terms may sound superficially similar to concepts you are familiar with from the English language, or perhaps even from the tutorials found within the game. Don't be fooled: while the terms may sound similar, they have very different meanings at times.

    I'm here to help you familiarize yourself with these terms and their novel uses. This quick guide will get you started and help you understand the communications and discussions surrounding this game fluently in no time.

    Data (noun):

    • (1) Your feelings after playing with or against a card or deck

    Example: "Galakrond Warrior sucks according to my data. I played it last night and lost 7 of my 10 games"

    • (2) Your feelings after seeing someone you like playing with or against a card or deck

    Example: "No Demon Hunter deck will be as good as Highlander Demon Hunter. Did you see how much it won when Firebat played it during the early-access stream? That's some impressive data"

    Opinion (noun):

    • (1) Conclusions drawn from numbers that disagree with your data, most typically held by people who aren't you

    Example: "These Vicious Syndicate Meta Reports are just opinion. How else could they even suggest that this cancerous Resurrect Priest isn't Tier 1?"

    High-Skill Cap (adjective):

    • (1) The explanation for anytime your data differs from other people's opinions.

    Example: "The only reason Spirit of the Shark doesn't seem to perform well in any list running it is because everyone on ladder is a paste-eating noob. It can only be used by high-skill cap players effectively."

    Problematic Card (noun):

    • (1) Anything that assisted your opponent in winning the game, especially in a way that prevented your deck from executing its strategy

    Example: "Frost Nova is such a bullshit, problematic card. Mage shouldn't have the ability to freeze my minions like that"

    • (2) Any Evergreen card that ends up being in a deck

    Example: "It's not fun getting killed by Doomguards summoned by Skull of the Man'ari or Bloodreaver Gul'dan. Doomguard really is a problematic card."

    • (3) Any Evergreen card that doesn't end up being in a deck

    Example: "We had to Hall of Fame Spellbreaker because it was a problematic card, being too efficient of a neutral silence effect for its stats and mana cost audible laughter in the background"

    Design Space (noun):

    • (1) An area of card design that should only be utilized so long as all important synergies that make it good have been removed from - or are never added to - the game

    Example: "Thank God they removed Divine Spirit and reworked Priest's Classic set. Now new cards can finally explore the design space of Inner Fire in novel ways"

    • (2) The thing that is being constrained each time a card exists, especially a tech card

    Example: "Big Game Hunter was really constraining the design space of high attack minions. Now, since it was substantially nerfed to 5 mana, a variety of 7+ attack minions have been made and seen play that wouldn't have been possible otherwise!"

    Class Identity (noun):

    • (1) The design constraints placed on cards in Classic but not expansions

    Example: "We have nerfed Blade Flurry and moved Vanish to the Hall of Fame because Rogue's class identity doesn't include access to powerful AoE. On an unrelated note, Zephyrs is neutral"

    Power Creep (verb):

    • (1) The act of upsetting people by taking a card that doesn't see play and making a better version of it which also doesn't see play

    Example: "Ice Rager really power creeps Magma Rager. Fuck you, Blizzard! This isn't OK!"

    • (2) A thing that's OK to do for 16 months, but not 20-24 months

    Example: "The last set of the year needs to power creep the other standard expansions to ensure it has enough impact, but it's OK because it won't be standard that long"

    Deck Building (verb):

    • (1) The act of suggesting to someone that a card which would be good RIGHT NOW and NOT at most other points in most other games should be in their deck (and probably their hand) all the time

    Example: "Weapon destruction would be good against that Stormhammer, so you should go back to deck building and add in an Acidic Swamp Ooze or two"

    Healthy Meta (noun):

    • (1) A time and place that exists in the past

    Example: "The meta today sucks. It's not like the healthy meta we had two years ago"

    • (2) A time and place that would exist in the future, if only your suggestions for game balance were taken in account

    Example: "We'd finally have a healthy meta if only they changed the following cards I don't like:..."

    Deck (noun):

    • (1) A list containing 30 of the 60 cards you will be able to play during a game

    Example: "My deck really would have run out of value, but then I played that third Dragonqueen Alexstrazsa"

    Legend Player (noun):

    • (1) That thing you'd definitely be if you only played the game as much as other people

    Example: "I just don't have the time to become a legend player because I have a life beyond playing the game. Now excuse me while I get back to my Redditing"

    • (2) An authority figure on everything Hearthstone and Hearthstone-related

    Example: "Speaking as a consistent Legend Player…"

    submitted by /u/Popsychblog
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    Search filters and commands

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Hey guys, with the new priest cards, the new hunter class and the upcoming expansion I thought some of you might appreciate the search commands you can use in your collection (since I was looking for them quite often the last days):

    • attack:1 Only find cards with an attack value of 1
    • health:7+ Only find cards with a health value of 7 or greater
    • mana:5- Only find cards with a mana cost of 5 or less
    • attack:3-5 Only find cards with an attack value between 3 and 5, inclusive
    • owned:1 Only find cards that you own a single copy of


    • extra Show all cards you have more than 2 copies of, including golden cards
    • golden Show only golden cards
    • missing Show any cards you don't have (only works in Card Crafting mode)
    • new Show any "New" cards in your collection


    You can also combine these tags to make your search even more specific. Find all minions with 3-attack and 3-health by using the attack:3 health:3 search tag combination.

    submitted by /u/daniel_mdf
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    Please help, I'm drowning in value

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Hearthstone: Epitome of skill

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    what happens when u find 8x soul juggler in battlegrounds ?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    A send-off to my favorite legendary, first golden I couldn't bring myself to disenchant

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    You will be missed

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Before it rotates someone tell me what does this thing say when is played

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Ashes of Outland Wild Theorycraft Deck Dump

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Hey all, GetMeowth here!

    The expansion's almost here, you can smell it in the air. Like some people, some of the most fun I have in hearthstone is theory crafting some decks prior to an expansion and being ready to go with something new and meta breaking on day 1. While this expansion isn't the highest power level, I think there are some powerful cards here and there are a ton of unique and interesting cards to play with at least. I've seen a lot of people down on this expansion. I just wanted to say that we're getting new cads, that do cool things. Experiment, brew, have some fun, and then complain about Quest Mage later.

    For those of you that don't know me, I'm a consistent legend player/streamer that occasionally plays meta decks and tryhards. However, I mostly find joy from trying to break the meta, taking off-meta decks, learning them really well, and beating an unsuspecting meta.

    I've spent the past few days theorycrafting a few decks for every class that I believe got updates with this expansion. I've created a few short videos on my new YouTube page with these decks and my reasoning/ideas underlying the way that I've built them. Feel free to let me know if I missed anything, you have other ideas, or want to discuss the way that I built something.

    If you don't wanna watch the youtube videos, there is a spreadsheet at the end of this post that contains all the codes for decks in the videos!

    If you all enjoy these, I just ask that you like and subscribe ;) but also, share with your friends! Expansions make me genuinely excited and I just want to share the excitement and new decks!

    Demon Hunter: https://youtu.be/fHCcxP5A_mU

    Odd, Aggro, Metamorphosis OTK, Reno Zoo

    Druid: https://youtu.be/a5O62KhSXHE

    Token, Jade, Big, Dragon Big

    Hunter: https://youtu.be/w_hycMfFdVM

    Egg/Deathrattle, Big Beast, Spiteful, Even

    Mage: https://youtu.be/o-mcVZ8e-LA

    LPG Reno, Spell, Secret, Reno Secret

    Paladin: https://youtu.be/oC9_bHA5fX4

    Murloc, Control Libram, Reno, Galvadon

    Priest: https://youtu.be/pcPZFKqvK7I

    Egg, Combo Reno, Control Reno, Inner Fire

    Rogue: https://youtu.be/0-owwB36_VA

    Secret Tempo, Stealth Tempo, Stealth Odd, Stealth Burgle

    Shaman: https://youtu.be/Y0ufOi8y_jY

    N'Zoth, Quest Jade, Blutrane's Aggro, Giants, Evolve

    Warlock: https://youtu.be/mRfADwhJdyY

    Renolock, DiscoZoo, Dinomancer, DemonEvenlock, Egglock, Bloodbloom Zoo, Darkest Hour, Birdlock

    Warrior: https://youtu.be/J923hGlAPZQ

    Enrage Galakrond, Odd, Bomb Galakrond

    I hope you enjoyed the theorycrafting and maybe I've inspired a few ideas. Reminder that these are just starting points and will definitely be changing. I'll be posting updated, more refined lists as the expansion hits tomorrow on twitter, youtube and in my discord!

    If you don't watch the short videos for lists, you can find codes in this spreadsheet here:


    Please feel free to leave comments about which decks you like best, if you have some ideas that I didn't get to cover, or you have some ideas for cards that might work in the lists that I have.

    Happy Ashes of Outland everyone!

    P.S. If you're interested in a card review that I did for these cards to see if they're worth crafting or not, you can check out the review series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAYbO_-xIrTBtFALbFjIA0UogYLBMm895

    My Top 10 cards from AoO - https://youtu.be/_VO3rUJqSb4

    My 10 Favorite Cards from AoO - https://youtu.be/QsoaqiKRL5g

    submitted by /u/iHateYmir
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