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    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Hearthstone Dope

    Hearthstone Dope


    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Rank 420 on 4/20 at 14:20

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Before and After - The Altruis Effect

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    My mom made me a cake for my first time hitting legend

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Spending my 18th birthday today in quarantine, but my parents got me a cake of my favourite card game.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    After 6 years of watching, we finally got the Golden Trolden!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    3 Years of Dust spent well

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    It finally happened, Infinite value!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    It was such a good move to stream on Youtube, that I completly missed Grandmasters this weekend

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Since YT doesnt recommend playhearthstone, I didnt even realize it was this weekend.

    submitted by /u/Voice_2016
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    Welcome to wild, my friend!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Balance Patch Is Live!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I've just got a battle net update. Let's test out and see how weaker Demon Hunter got. See you guys ingame.

    submitted by /u/Heisenberg_USA
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    Why has RNG become the Class Identity of Mage?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    This is not a rant about Mage being OP because as we all know its in a pretty meh spot rn and thats okay. Its more about the class Identity. I understand RNG is important but i feel like the more recent Mage decks have been heavily RNG reliant and very unfun to play and play against.

    No minion Mage is the literally live and die by the RNG your randomly generated minions from font and apexis blast pretty much make and break the game for you. Highlander Mage has less RNG elements but as soon as you box and play Reno hero card you are praying to the gods again dont get me wrong i like Reno mage but i just dislike having to play the same archtype for over 6 months and having to play against it is probably the worst feeling ever imagine being in controll of the whole game and outplaying your opponent just to get Dragon caster into box to completely swing the game again its painfully annoying to go against. I feel like RNG should definetly be in the game because it makes the game more exciting but making a class live and die by it is very very annoying to deal with. Every one of my friends hates playing vs Mage and everytime i face a Mage mirror i feel like its whoever highrolls wins in 7/10 of the games. What have your expierences with Mage been like?

    Edit: I understand that the RNG element is Fun and keeps games fresh and feel different which is a good thing i just dont like the direction that mage is taking to become fully dependent on it to win especially with the no minion mage archtype

    submitted by /u/WayTooToxic
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    naxx out

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    guys, update is live. are you prepared for the nerfs?

    submitted by /u/jimrhodes22
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    It has been almost 3 years since the kobolds and catacombs expansion, and i still think the skull of the manari is the card with most personality in the game.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Proposal: Change Classic Legendarys

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    I play Hearthstone since release and I thought the best way to keep a good collection would be to craft Legendarys of the Classic set, just in order to have a few legendarys that can be played in various decks throughout the year. They don't need to be staples like Leeroy just in order to be pushed to the HoF, but a lot of them are just not worth crafting at all.

    Cho: Never saw competitive play.

    Millhouse: Never saw competitive play.

    Onyxia: Saw play in one or two token druid decks in six years.

    Illidan (Xavius): Got even the name changed because an iconic card was garbabe.

    Nat Pagle: Got nerfed. Never used again.

    King Mukla: Saw borderline play in Tempo decks.

    Tinkmaster Overspark: Was a staple, nerfed, never played again.

    Nozdormu: A joke.

    Hogger: ...

    The Beast: Even bad in Battlegrounds.

    Gruul: A meme.

    Deathwing: Saw play in one deck in six years.

    Some cards that saw play in the past even got regularly overshadowed by recent releases:

    Grom: From staple to barely looked at.

    Ysera: From Value card to just bad compared to new cards.

    Cairne: Was a staple, but better cards were printed in every single expension.

    Baron Geddon: Was once good in Control Warrior. Was never looked back at.

    King Crush: What? He has his own card?

    Antonidas: Not even wanted anymore in a deck with 30 spells.

    Black knight: Was a neat tech card. But nowadays taunts have better deathrattles so that card is not even a swing card anymore and theres no incentive to include it whatsoever.

    I get the feeling that the value of my Classic cards just deflate like a modern currency. If that continues, theres just no reason to ever craft this cards anymore and no way of keeping value in my Hearthstone collection. I even crafted some of them golden because I thought they might see play in the future. But it was just not worth it all.

    I know we are supposed to play new cards with every rotation and theres the monetary aspect, but I think it would be highly appreciated if some of them were reworked to cards with unique effects and not just Cairne-like cards who get overshadowed every expansion.

    There are some Basic Legendarys I like the design of:

    Captain Greenskin: occasionally used in weapon-heavy decks, not overpowered at all, but can still be used from time to time.

    Malygos: Good in certain niche decks, but I suppose it was considered to be HoF'ed. But it is a good feeling to have a card like that in the collection because it sometimes enables combo decks. If that kind of combo deck is fun to play against might be another discussion. But it adds value to the evergreen set.

    Alextrasza: Unique effect, maybe even a little bit too powerful, but was used in a lot of decks in the past six years.

    Nadine: Not too strong, not too weak (Not as good as Zephrys wants us to believe though), but a card I can see play in future control priests.

    Cenarius: Was borderline unplayable in a lot of expansions, but blizzard desided to make a chose one deck, so he was kind of revived from the dead. I like to see more of such success storys in the future.

    And then theres Van Cleef, laughing at this post.

    But I always got the impression that blizzard aimed at a changing meta were some unplayed cards came out of the shadows to have their time to shine for a few month. But a huge bulk of the Classic legendarys are just too weak and should be looked at closely in the future. Thats what I hope for, not only gameplay-wise, but also concerning the dust balance of new and older players.

    Thanks for reading👋

    submitted by /u/AphorismHS
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    Truly the circle of life

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Magtheridon 5* card btw

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Not this time Zephrys!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    A simple Quality of Life change they could make in HS.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Mecha’thun warlock shall live on

    Posted: 19 Apr 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    (OC) Using the lock down as an excuse to try my hand at Hearthstone style Concept Art. Here’s my fun little Druid legendary idea: Root, the Guardian.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Turn 2 btw

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    My life is now complete

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:51 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Rank 420 at 4:20 on 4/20 on Standard

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

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