• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    Hearthstone You always hear the stories, laugh at the misfortune... But you never think it could happen to you...

    Hearthstone You always hear the stories, laugh at the misfortune... But you never think it could happen to you...

    You always hear the stories, laugh at the misfortune... But you never think it could happen to you...

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Now there is also Reno with his spells and board clear...

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:57 PM PST

    Pick your starter

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    When Toki has had enough of Tirion's shit

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Everithing you can see on wheel while finding opponent.....repost because i forgot flair

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:56 PM PST

    We need a dark themed expansion this time

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:21 AM PST

    It's exactly 5 expansions after Witch Wood, when we have last seen darker themed expansion and personally for me, I would really welcome something like Knights of the Frozen Throne/Naxx with dark background/context as a new expansion, maybe also something refreshing like adding a new tribe - Undead, etc in that expansion would be awesome. (Just like in Un'Goro)

    What are your thoughts guys?

    submitted by /u/imicekczech
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    I have beaten every single boss from Heroic Galakrond's Awakening with Whizbang.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 12:46 AM PST

    I have beaten every single boss from Heroic Galakrond's Awakening with Whizbang.


    Hello! Guy that cleared The Lich King 9 times with Whizbang here.

    So, new adventure finally came out. I decided to clear it with Whizbang.

    Here is the videos, so you can see how I did it:

    League of E.V.I.L side:

    Sir Finley


    Reno Jackson (Wing 1)

    Dragoncaster Askaara

    United Sr. Explorers


    Dragonrider Talritha

    The Wanderer

    The Dragonflights

    George and Karl

    The Amazing Reno (Wing 4) - Super RNG boss. Got lucky after 2 hours.

    Galakrond - Imo. this is the hardest fight in this adventure, and from Whizbang perspective - the hardest fight in the whole game. I've managed to beat him without Alexstrasza so I'm proud. It took me 25 hours. Also - explanation here: after 15 hours of trying to beat him with whizbang I decided to just recreate the deck from whizbang pool which I thought have best chances to win. Thanks to that, I was not wasting time for rerolling Whizbang decks every time.

    League of Explorers side:

    Dr. Boom

    Avalanchan - a bit difficult. Took me 3 hours.

    Kriziki the Winged

    Madame Lazul

    Cultist Dawnshatter

    Hagatha the Vengeful


    Dragonslayer Skruk - This one is really difficult. Took me 6 hours.

    The Slipstream

    George the Fallen

    Waxrider Toggwagle

    Rafaam and Galakrond - Comparing to Galakrond from league of evil campaign - piece of cake. Although it was not super easy.

    Entire Playlist

    So, this was fun. Except Galakrond. 25 hours drained of my life... I'm waiting for next adventure!

    submitted by /u/Fiktorianin
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    Bug: Buying Nightmare amalgam in the tutorial softlocks the game

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:26 AM PST

    corrosive breath fixed sound effect

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    This game is extremely frustrating for beginners.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:20 AM PST

    So I'm just starting out and I have to say that I have never seen a game that is this anti beginner. I am virtually unable to find a unranked game. I have waited 10 minutes once and have still not found one. In ranked I'm getting destroyed by people turning into fucking dragons and I lose pretty much every round. Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/ohhminik
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    Okey Bob I Love You Too

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:25 PM PST

    They need to fix Zephyrs’s priorities and stop making him so single minded

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:46 AM PST

    I was playing against face hunter, and I couldve won. I had 5 minions on board and of course Z is gonna give u bloodlust or savage roar to secure the win, I understand that. However my opponent played a secret. All but one of my minions were two HP or less so I didn't want to risk attacking, and losing all my tempo to explosive trap. (And it was of course)

    So i played Z. My thought was since there was a trap in play at least one of the options would be SI:7 Infiltrator or Flare. But no, Z gave me Savage Roar, Bloodlust and Sea Giant.

    I lost the very next turn cause that extra 2 damage gave my opponent just the right amount for lethal. The perfect card my ass

    submitted by /u/demon723
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    This was the last recruitment phase that mattered

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:04 AM PST

    Last month I ended up on rank 1, this time I made the push! FeelsAmazingMan

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Hearthstone has lead to two of my favourite terms:

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Flik a druids floop


    Floop your gonk

    Please share any other good ones.

    submitted by /u/SirSweMaster
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    Well this just got interesting.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Battlegrounds Examination: Basic/Classic

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:55 AM PST

    So I like the new Battlegrounds mode, and as such am always wondering what new cards can be added in, what cards could be swapped out, new heroes, etc. However I thought I'd just go take a look at the cards of hearthstone and figure out what cards could be added into battlegrounds. So now I'm going to start with the Basic and Classic sets, and of course just the minions as currently you can't have spells in Battlegrounds.


    Ranking system:

    Tier 1-6: If they'd be in Battlegrounds this is where they probably would be based on currently available cards, and individual power.

    Tier 0: So weak it probably couldn't be added into the game

    NA: The card has some effect that would essentially make it next to useless in Battlegrounds and would probably never be added.

    B: Boring, the card would be too boring to add into Battlegrounds as it would add very little.



    Ironbark Protector, B: It's an 8/8 with taunt. Has some slight synergies with tirion and taunt support, but it really is just stats on taunt.

    Timber Wolf, Tier 1: Probably would be a weak Tier 1 however it would provide beast support and probably gives all the other beasts +2 attack. Would help with Early rats, but would be weak

    Houndmaster, Tier 3: It's a tier 3 in battlegrounds that buffs and applies taunt to specific beasts.

    Starving Buzzard, NA: Yeah you can't really draw cards in battlegrounds.

    Tundra Rhino, NA: Unless they do a ruling like "Charge makes the cards go once before anything else" this wouldn't really do anything.

    Water Elemental, Tier 3: The only freeze effect would be with the shop, but in battle I could see it as "skip this minions next attack" and then they thaw. In that case... It could be interesting although I'm not sure they'd add it in

    Guardian of Kings, NA: It heals you, and I'm pretty sure healing is something that shouldn't be in battlegrounds.

    Northshire Cleric, NA: draw isn't a thing, and you'd need some sort of deathrattle minion that heals minions.

    PlagueBringer, Tier 6: giving any minion poisonous in Battlegrounds would be broken. Especially with cleave minions.

    Flametongue totem, B: I say Tier 1, because if you grab it you lose and have to buy more minions or you will just continue to lose. However it'd still be ok in the early tiers once you had a few minions.

    Windspeaker, Tier 3-4: Windfury isn't the strongest attribute to give to anything. However it's still something you have to be careful of in case you have something like a divine shield poisonous cleaver.

    Fire Elemental, NA: Dealing direct damage with a battlecry is... a bad idea and I don't think Bob would appreciate it.

    VoidWalker, Tier 1: It's a Tier 1 minion.

    FelStalker, NA: Discarding cards seems like a bad idea for battlegrounds. Otherwise it'd essentially just be a boring vanilla demon.

    Dread Infernal, NA: I think Bob banned this thing from his bar.

    Warsong Commander, NA: Would effectively have the same effect as it does in normal hearthstone... nothing...

    Kor'Kron Elite, NA: It's a charge minion

    Elven Archer, NA: Bob does not like people shooting his guests

    Goldshire Footman, B: weaker than a VoidWalker, a tier 1 minion in almost all cases.

    Grimscale Oracle, Tier 1: Ignoring critical masses of murlocs... it'd be maybe ok for an early murloc support.

    Murloc raider, B: it's basically just a nearly no stat body with a murloc tag

    Stonetusk Boar, NA: charge minion. Plus a 1/1 beast probably wouldn't be good anyways.

    Voodoo Doctor, NA: Healing isn't good in battlegrounds, and Bob probably only hires licensed doctors

    Acid Swamp Ooze, NA: No Weapons in the battlegrounds

    Bloodfen Raptor, B: Little strong for tier 1, but besides the beast tag it's just a vanilla

    Bluegill Warrior, NA: Charge minion

    Frostwolf Grunt, B: it's neutral and has similar stats to voidwalker... but it doesn't really add anything.

    Kobold Geomancer, NA: Spell damage doesn't do anything if there aren't any spells.

    Murloc Tidehunter, Tier 1: It's a tier 1 minion.

    Novice Engineer, NA: Nothing to Draw

    River Crocolisk, B: vanilla beast that probably isn't strong enough to be a tier 1.

    Dalaran Mage, NA: No Spell damage

    Ironforge Rifleman, NA: No direct battlecry damage

    Ironfur Grizzly, Tier 2: Taunt with Beast may let it work with scavenging Hyena and other beast synergy cards.

    Magma Rager, Tier 2: Later on it does nothing, but early on it's a 1 shot wonder... just pray for no divine shields.

    Raid Leader, Tier 1: Low stats, but it's just neutral attack increase synergy.

    Razorfen Hunter, Tier 1-2: A token generator, but is probably a little strong for tier 1 and weak for tier 2.

    Shattered Sun Cleric, Tier 1: Oh boy a Rockfin Hunter but not a murloc and doesn't have to buff a murloc. Probably wouldn't be added.

    Silverback Patriarch, Tier 1-2: Not really good enough for tier 1 or tier 2. However beast and taunt that early could be interesting.

    Wolfrider, NA: No charge

    Chillwind Yeti, B: It's literally a neutral vanilla

    Dragonling Mechanic, B: a vanilla with subpar stats that summons a mech with subpar stats... and just summoning mechs aren't particularly good.

    Gnomish Inventor, NA: No drawing cards

    Oasis Snapjaw, B: Vanilla beast

    Ogre Magi, NA: Spell Damage

    Sen'jin shieldmasta, B: A Meh stated Neutral Taunt.

    Stormwind Knight, NA: Charge

    Booty Bay Bodyguard, B: Nice alliteration, goes well with B for Boring. See Sen'jin

    Darkscale Healer, NA: No healing yourself

    Frostwolf warlord, B: It used to be interesting but in battlegrounds you are always going to have 6-7 minions whenever you'd buy this guy.

    Gurubashi Berserker, Tier 4: Would be decent if you needed it to get pelted with lower attack minions... Would be a bit too powerful earlier probably, but too weak at tier 4 and later so... probably wouldn't get added in.

    Nightblade, NA: Do you really hate Bob that much?

    Stormpike Commando, NA: Please no direct damage. Bob doesn't like it.

    Archmage, NA: Spell Damage

    Boulderfist Ogre, B: neutral vanilla

    Lord of the Arena, B: Vanilla with Taunt...

    Reckless Rocketeer, NA: Charge

    Core Hound, B: Essentially would be a better beast in 99% of circumstances.

    Stormwind Champion, Tier 4: ok body, and boosts everything else up. Probably just Tirion playing it though.

    War Golem, B: It's just a vanilla



    Wisp, B: it's a 1/1 and just a 1/1

    young Priestess, Tier 1: doesn't do anything the first round, but can help stack health on early units.

    Young Dragonhawk, Tier 0: Requires too much work to get anything out of the windfury

    Worgen Infiltrator, Tier 0: Stealth could be an interesting mechanic for battlegrounds, but it's too weak.

    Southsea Deckhand, NA: Weapons and charge problems

    Shieldbearer, Tier 0: Probably a bit weak to really see play in current battlegrounds

    Secretkeeper, NA: It would be interesting if Akazamzarak was the only hero who could get it, but that isn't in design space right now.

    Murloc Tidecaller, Tier 1: it's a tier 1 unit

    Lightwarden, NA: No healing

    Leper Gnome, NA: Bob keeps his tavern clean and disease free, OK!

    Hungry Crab, NA: It could be fun in some aspects but doesn't really fit in battlegrounds

    flame imp, Tier 0: It'd probably be a bit weak for tier 1

    Dust Devil, NA: Overload shouldn't be in battlegrounds

    Bloodsail Corsair, NA: no weapons

    Blood Imp, Tier 0: Young Priestess but also weaker

    Argent Squire, Tier 1: it doesn't have taunt, but that could also be a blessing in it's own way.

    Angry chicken, Tier 0: Would need to do too much to make any use out of the chicken.

    Abusive Sergeant, NA: It just wouldn't work in battlegrounds

    Youthful Brewmaster, Tier 5: Being able to retrieve a unit back to your hand would be really powerful.

    Wild Pyromancer, NA: no spells to cast

    Sunfury Protector, B: It's just a weaker Argus.

    Sorcerer's Apprentice, NA: No Spells

    Scavenging Hyena, Tier 2: It's a tier 2 unit

    pint-sized summoner, NA: You'd have to overhaul the effect.

    Patient Assassin, Tier 4-5: Depending on where you want a poisonous minion it can't be directly attacked and it'll kill anything as long as there isn't a divine shield.

    Nat Pagle, NA: No fishing in the tavern!

    Millhouse Manastorm, NA: No spells

    Master Swordsmith, Tier 1: adds stats early, but also relatively weak stats.

    Mana Wyrm, NA: No Spells

    Mana Wraith, NA: Would either just hurt yourself or be too powerful and weak at the same time.

    Mana Addict, NA: No Spells

    Mad bomber, NA: Bob really doesn't like the bombers.

    Lorewalker Cho, NA: No Spells

    Loot hoarder, NA: No drawing

    Lightwell, NA: No healing

    Knife Juggler, NA: Bob doesn't like knives being chucked at him.

    Faerie Dragon, NA: effect does nothing or is only harmful.

    Doomsayer, NA: the effect doesn't make sense in battlegrounds.

    Dire Wolf Alpha, Tier 1: It's a tier 1 unit

    Defias Ringleader, NA: Don't think Combo would be a good idea in battlegrounds.

    Cruel Taskmaster, NA: It's interesting but probably not a good idea to have direct damage

    Crazed Alchemist, Tier 3: Depending on the minions available having more attack than health or health than attack could make a difference.

    Bloodsail Raider, NA: Weapons

    Bloodmage Thalnos, NA: Card Draw and Spell Damage

    Armorsmith, NA: It's basically healing

    argent Protector, NA: Biggest issue is that it makes George's hero power useless

    Ancient Watcher, B: not being able to attack isn't that big of a disadvantage in battlegrounds effectively making it just a vanilla.

    Amani Berserker, Tier 1: A strong tier 1 probably too weak for anything else

    Void Terror, Tier 5: Just lets you collect tons of stats.

    Unbound Elemental, NA: Overload

    Tinkmaster Overspark, NA: Bad mechanic for battlegrounds

    Thrallmar Farseer, Tier 1: probably a bit weak to see play but tier 1 would be the best fit if not boring.

    Tauren Warrior, Tier 1-2: probably a bit strong for tier 1, but probably too weak for tier 2

    Southsea Captain, Tier 2: Assuming Pirates are added

    SI:7 Agent, NA: Combo and direct damage

    Scarlet Crusader, Tier 2: but also boring considering shieldbot

    Raging Worgen, Tier 2: not sure it'd ever be added though as it's a little boring despite the effect.

    Questing Adventurer, Tier 3: Weak at first, but depending on your strategy it could gain a lot of stats.

    Murloc Warleader, Tier 2: It's a tier 2 minion

    Mind Control Tech, Tier 2-3: At tier 2 when you buy it you either have to reroll right away and get something random or have to wait a turn. Still it gives you a random minion which could be strong or useless.

    Mana Tide totem, NA: No card draw

    Kirin Tor Mage, NA: No secrets

    King Mukla, NA: Bob is probably allergic to bananas

    Jungle Panther, B: Not sure beasts really gain much from having stealth

    Ironbeak Owl, NA: Silencing your things or purchasable units sounds like a bad idea.

    Injured Blademaster, NA: Just feels like a bad idea to have this in that game.

    Imp Master, NA: Similar as blademaster having a minion that hurts itself seems like a bad idea.

    Harvest Golem, Tier 2: it's a tier 2 unit.

    Frothing Berserker, Tier 3-4: would get a TON of attack, but would need help to get more than just 1 hit .

    Flesheating Ghoul, Tier 1-2: can get a decent amount of attack, but would need help to get more than just 1 hit later on.

    Felguard, NA: no mana to break.

    Emperor Cobra, Tier 5: essentially maexxna with less health

    Edwin VanCleef, NA: COMBO

    Earthen Ring Farseer, NA: Healing

    Demolisher, NA: Bob doesn't want this thing in his tavern

    Coldlight Seer, Tier 3: Tier 3 unit

    Brightwing, Tier 4-5: could maybe help with menagerie stuff, but also can be a bit highrolly too early.

    Blood Knight, NA: you wouldn't ever want to play this most of the time.

    Arcane Golem, NA: Just wouldn't work.

    Aldor Peacekeeper, NA: You think Bob wants peace in his tavern?

    Alarm-O-Bot, NA: The effect just doesn't work.

    Acolyte of Pain, NA: No card drawing.

    Violet Teacher, NA: No spells

    Twilight Drake, NA: too few cards in hand.

    Summoning Portal, NA: Wouldn't work in Battleground's mechanics

    Spellbreaker, NA: Silencing minion like this wouldn't work well.

    Silvermoon Guardian, B: Already have enough divine shield stuff going on.

    Si:7 Infiltrator, NA: No secrets.

    Pit Lord, B: technically has some "synergies" but the damage is too high and the stats would be too much or little for different tiers.

    Mogu'shan Warden, B: just a taunt with a lot of health

    Master of Disguise, NA: Temp stealth probably isn't a good idea.

    Lightspawn, Tier 3: About powerful enough there, and works well with health gain.

    Keeper of the Grove, NA: Either way it's not going to be a good idea

    Ethereal Arcanist, NA: Like secret keeper if certain heroes had unique units maybe, but no.

    Dread Corsair, NA: no weapons

    Defender of Argus, Tier 4: Tier 4 unit

    Dark Iron Dwarf, NA: single turn attack boosting is probably not a good idea.

    Cult Master, NA: Card Draw

    Auchenai Soulpriest, NA: No healing and more importantly no direct damage

    Arathi Weaponsmith, Tier 2: Wouldn't be good as it'd basically say "Deal 2 extra damage for the next 2 rounds" but it'd be a way you could have a weapon.

    Ancient Mage, NA: Spell Damage

    Ancient Brewmaster, Tier 5: like the youthful brewmaster returning stuff to your hand can be really ypowerful.

    Venture Co. Mercenary, NA: the effect just doesn't work in battlegrounds

    Stranglethorn Tiger, B: the issue with a beast with stealth that would otherwise be vanilla is they don't have any real good way to use the stealth

    Stampeding Kodo, NA: randomly destroying an enemy minion with 2 or less attack through battlecry doesn't work in battlegrounds.

    Spiteful Smith, NA: No good way to get weapons

    Silver Hand Knight, Tier 3: A bigger token generator

    Leeroy Jenkins, NA: Charge, and the battlecry... would be weird although it would be a way to get a dragon

    Harrison Jones, NA: No Card Draw, and your opponent would probably not have a weapon.

    Fen Creeper, B: It's just a taunt with some fine stats

    Faceless Manipulator, Tier 3-4: Probably a godsend to anyone who have 3 pairs of units

    Earth Elemental, NA: It's got overload.

    Druid of the Claw, NA: Technically it turns into something that has charge but... charge

    Captain Greenskin, NA: No weapons exist.

    Big Game Hunter, NA: the battlecry's that destroy minions don't really work in battlegrounds.

    Abomination, NA: The main issue is it dealing damage to ALL characters. Could kill a 1-2 health hero who would've won.

    Windfury Harpy, Tier 3: probably a more fair neutral windfury minion... who would only ever be picked up by Tirion

    The Black Knight, NA: battlecry destruction doesn't work in battlegrounds

    The Beast, Tier 3: Tier 3 unit

    Temple Enforcer, Tier 4: Decent body and adding 3 health to any minion can be really strong.

    Sunwalker, B: We already have a couple of Divine Shield taunts. We don't need more.

    Savannah Highmane, Tier 5: It's a tier 5 unit.

    Priestess of Elune, NA: No healing

    Kidnapper, NA: Combo is probably a bad idea

    Illidan Stormrage, Tier 4: Would be really good at generating golden minions... You just need a ton of space so probably wouldn't be useful.

    Hogger, Tier 3: Could be a golden minion generator?

    Gadgetzan Auctioneer, NA: No spells or card draw

    Frost Elemental, tier 3: Selectively freezing a single minion could be really useful.

    Cairne Bloodhoof, Tier 4: Just a neutral minion that summons a decent body on death.

    Cabal Shadow Priest, Tier 4-5: It's interesting and a way to grab more minions from Bob's tavern while saving a gold.

    Argent Commander, NA: Charge

    Siegebreaker, Tier 4: Tier 4 minion.

    Ravenholdt Assassin, B: It's a stealth minion with no real need to be stealthed

    Prophet Velen, NA: There are no spells, no healing, and you wouldn't want to hurt yourself with your hero power more than necessary.

    High Inquisitor Whitemane, NA: It just wouldn't work

    Barrens Stablehand, Tier 5: Could get you a mama bear or a Goldrinn... probably not though.

    Baron Geddon, NA: This effect would only be detrimental

    Archmage Antonidas, NA: No spells

    Ancient of War, B: It's either a 10/5 vanilla or a 5/10 taunt and neither are particularly interesting.

    Ancient of Lore, NA: No card draw or healing

    Tirion Fordring, Tier 6: Probably the divine shield taunt minion. like Weaponsmith it basically makes further wins deal 5 damage.

    Gruul, Tier 5: It ramps up and continues to ramp...

    Grommash Hellscream, NA: Charge

    Arcane Devourer, NA: No spells

    Al'Akir the Windlord, NA: No Charge, otherwise divine shield, taunt, and windfury would be interesting.

    Ysera, NA: Ysera awakens would be a bad idea

    Onyxia, Tier 6: If you get Onyxia and sell everything off you get 3 golden minions and could potentially chain more Onyxia and get a rather expensive team real fast. Probably wouldn't enter the battlegrounds.

    Nozdormu, NA: As funny as it'd be to have Nozdormu it would also be horrible.

    Malygos, NA: No spell damage.

    Lord Jaraxxus, NA: It would be funny, but overall the 15 health would probably be some form of healing and let's say you get the battleground's hero power... which would make it weird if you played against Jaraxxus to begin with.

    King Krush, NA: Charge

    Cenarius, Tier 6: A blanket +2/+2 no matter the minion is strong, and you can't brann the effect because choose one instead of battlecry.

    Alexstraza, NA: It'd either heal or just burn your face off. And you aren't burning your face off.

    Sea Giant, NA: It wouldn't work

    Mountain Giant, NA: It wouldn't work

    Captain's Parrot, NA: No drawing

    Coldlight Oracle, NA: No drawing

    Old Murk-Eye, Tier 2: It's a tier 2 minion

    Elite Tauren Chieftain, NA: Rogue's Do It just wouldn't work... although I think Bob would appreciate the music

    Doomguard, NA: Diiscard is bad and Charge shouldn't be in battlegrounds

    Azure Drake, NA: Spell damage and card draw

    Sylvanas Windrunner, Tier 6: Deathrattle take control of enemy minions is just game winning.

    Gelbin Mekkatorque, NA: Might be ok if it only summoned the buffing orb

    Ragnaros the Firelord, NA: Would have to rework it a bit for it to work as intended

    Molten giant, NA: wouldn't work.

    submitted by /u/water2770
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    You became the very thing you swore to destroy!

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Weekly Report #42 – Top Legend Decks (Standard and Wild) | Galakrond’s Awakening

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    This Report: 11.02 - 16.02

    In our Top Legend Decks Report, we feature Decks from Players all over the world that have reached Top 500 Legend. This is not a classic Meta Report, you will not only find Top tier Decks. You will find a lot of good, but also some crazy Hearthstone Decks. Our goal is to show you as many good builds of Decks as possible.

    How to use Deck codes:

    1. Copy the code
    2. Open Hearthstone Collection
    3. Create a new deck, you will be asked "Do you want to create a deck from the clipboard"

    Newest News, Guides and Articles

    Standard Decks








    • No decks yet – You can watch some older list here: Shaman Decks!



    Wild Decks










    submitted by /u/neon313
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    Believe it or not, this is turn 5.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:59 AM PST

    call me selfish... but my double golden brann doesnt care ��

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    So I just had 4 people concede to me in a row without me having to play a card.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:13 PM PST

    Is Priest really that bad that people instantly concede to it rather than see that I'm playing a goddamn meme deck?

    submitted by /u/Hclegend
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