• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    Hearthstone The only Hero Portrait I'd ever spend money on.

    Hearthstone The only Hero Portrait I'd ever spend money on.

    The only Hero Portrait I'd ever spend money on.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I just want to say thank you to Brian Kibler.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:41 AM PST

    Good morning my fellow hearthstone players. I just want to make this post to thank Brian Kibler for being the wholesome person he is.

    I played MTG back in the day, and I remember Brian on the pro tour for magic way back when. And I remember when hearthstone came out in beta, not alot of streamers played the game back then.

    But this man, and his dog, have brought in alot of magic players to hearthstone. I probably wouldn't play as much, or as competitively as I do without him being a wholesome face behind the game.

    The man always is smiling and laughing, and I watch his videos and live streams almost all the time. The guy is a fortress of good vibes. The man is amazing and never lets things bother him.

    He even had the perfect response when the blitzchung issue was going on.

    It doesn't matter how everyone else feels about my man Brian Kibler, but I've been a fan for awhile since the MTG days, and I'm glad he has made a name for himself playing this amazing game that we all love.

    In conclusion, Brian Kibler is an amazing person, in hearthstone and out, and he deserves the love and adoration of everyone.

    Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


    submitted by /u/sleepernick
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    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Wild ride with Talritha

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    [Serious Discussion]Low Quality CustomHearthstone-ish posts have started appearing in this sub, and we don't want that. Something has to be done about them.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Hey guys! After lurking in this sub for a while, I've discovered that many low quality posts about people making their custom cards are appearing in this sub, where they clearly belong to r/customhearthstone instead.

    This Post is the most recent one right now. I have also encountered many other posts that are "doing a 366 days challenge" or something. There is also this one person who does a "Death Knight Cards challenge" who regularly posts his "cards" on both r/hearthstone and r/customhearthstone simultaneously to, uh, farm karma, I assume?

    I'm not here to harass nor witch-hunt anyone, it's just that it's VERY annoying that people keep posting these irrelevant and objectively bad posts in here, when there is clearly a different sub out there that is specifically designed to post fanmade cards. I've also heard that r/customhearthstone contents are not entirely appealing to r/hearthstone users, so kindly post your fanmade cards to the place where they actually belong.

    I propose the idea of removing all posts that are clearly unrelated to this sub, or should obviously be on the other sub(s).

    Let me know what you guys think about this phenomenon and if it requires certain measures, because I personally find this to be super annoying and need to be dealt with.

    submitted by /u/AncientJustice
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    The Strangest duo ever

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:55 PM PST

    Why is the default selected shop option the "7 Packs" one?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:06 PM PST

    What are they thinking? That maybe I'll make a mistake and buy packs with cash ? Why wouldn't the default selected option be the first on the list (100 gold) ?

    The only reason I can't think of is asshole design and "maximizing profits". I wouldn't be bothered if it did it the first time and then kept your last chosen option, but no it keeps 7 packs as its default.

    I really don't get who thought this was a good idea and pushed for this to be in an update...

    submitted by /u/masteryder
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    Unused Bob art likely for the next adventure

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:14 PM PST

    Drafted Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, unfortunately, I had 2 of one card

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Gold and dust guide to keep your collection competitive, without breaking the bank. Updated for the upcoming nerfs.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Hi everybody! I'm a dad legend (rank 5) player and long time lurker of this sub. Recently I've become f2p and had to really plan how to acquire dust, gold and card packs. I'd like to share my findings with you all in this guide. It's mainly meant for people who want to maximize their gold and dust to keep their collection competitive without breaking the bank. If you're a whale that wants the whole Hearthstone card collection then I doubt this is for you. This guide is not for a complete collection. It's for getting the most out of your time.

    The rules

    First off I want to cite some rules that I live by to optimize my time, gold and dust. They're rules that most veteran players should know, but aren't always well known.

    1. There is an enormous amount of data and information already available. Most of the information in this guide I got from other posts, sites or Google searches. If you want to know if a card is worth crafting you can bet good money there is a Reddit post about it.
    2. Don't craft cards, craft decks. Good sites to use for this are Hsreplay.net, vicious syndicate and tempostorm.com. I'm not going to get into a debate as to which is better. I use them all. I love data and numbers. But I digress.
    3. Buy packs at the start of an expansion and save your gold for the next expansion starting from day 1.
    4. 110 packs is optimum. (They did the math)
    5. DON'T DUST ANY LEGENDARIES until you are sure you will never get a pack from that expansion again. So basically after it rotates to Wild. There is a no-duplicate rule that prevents you from ever getting a legendary you already own. Unless you have all of them.
    6. For the Classic set: you will eventually get everything. No need to craft anything.
    7. Don't be hasty. Go for the long game. If you are missing some dust you will get more eventually.
    8. Don't dust or craft anything the first two weeks of an expansion. Cards that appear good the first week are long forgotten a week later. (Umbral Skulker was in every Rogue deck the first week. Never seen one since.).
    9. Nerfs will happen. And more frequently. With careful planning nerfs will give you more than enough dust to get a good collection.
    10. Think of crafting like rolling for loot in Wow. Think: Craft, need, want, trash.
    11. Craft means: legendaries that are essential for Tier 1 decks.
    12. Need means: cards that I will craft after all the 'craft' cards are done. These are good for tier 1 or tier 2 decks, but not essential.
    13. Legendaries are safest to craft. You almost never need to craft commons or rares if you get more than 100 packs per expansion.
    14. Don't craft Whizbang. Start your account on a different server, play the tutorial and enough games to get cards you can disenchant for 1600 dust. Craft Whizbang on that account and have fun. Save yourself 1600 dust.
    15. Playing a few games every day will give you enough gold and dust to have most tier 1 and 2 decks over enough time.
    16. Wild is fun (to me at least) and much more dust efficient.
    17. You will NOT get all of the cards unless you spend a lot of money.
    18. Hearthstone is not pay to win. It is pay to have fun though.
    19. If you can get more than 3 wins per run on average (especially if you can approach 7), Arena is a less expensive way to open more packs for the same amount of gold.
    20. There are a lot of packs available for free just by playing in Master Qualifiers.
    21. You don't need an exact copy of a tier 1 deck to do well. As long as the core cards are there you can sub in a few suboptimal cards and do just fine.
    22. Don't dust extra cards until you need the dust. You never know what nerfs will hit, or what gets rotated to hall of fame in case of golden cards.

    Final rule: know the rules, and know when to break them.

    Those are the rules I try to live by. If you want tot craft a card for fun, then by all means go for it. But know that it's not efficient.

    Which packs to buy?

    I see a lot of posts with the question: what packs should I buy? I've made a mathematical formula to help me decide. The first pack from an expansion is worth 330 dust on average. (Four commons at 40 dust, and a rare at 100 dust. That's 260 dust. But there is also a chance to get an epic or legendary. On average that's 330 dust.) If you have most, or all of the cards a pack is worth 100 dust on average (not 40, they did the math). A pack is worth less dust, the more cards you have. For expansions that aren't the classic set you can use the following formula:

    DoD1 =((98-K34)/98)*K33*3,58*40

    DoD2 =(((72-K35)/72)*K33)*1,15*100

    DoD3 =((54-K36)/54)*K33*0,217*400

    DoD4 =(23-K37)/23*K33*0,053*1600

    K33=Amount of packs (usually 1)

    k34=commons you own. k35=rares you own. k36=epics you own. k37=legendaries you own.Add up DoD1 to DoD4. If the total is higher than 100 then buy the pack. If it's lower then don't. Example. I have 98 commons from Descent of Dragons, 69 rares, 31 epics and 17 legendaries. The next DoD pack I buy is worth 75,07632275 dust. Which is less than 100. So buying a DoD Pack is not worth it for me. If I have the dust and want a card from this set I'll craft it.

    Descent of Dragons has more legendaries because of the Galakronds. They don't count. The Witchwood only has 21 legendaries, Boomsday has 25, Rumble has 23, RoS has 24, Uldum has 23. For commons, they all have 98 except for Witchwood, which only has 96 because mage only got 2 commons instead of 3, like every other class. Adjust the formula accordingly. I find the formula to be accurate enough if you only change the number for the legendaries.

    The Classic set has more cards so the formula is different.





    B1=Amount of packs (usually 1) B2= amount of commons you own. B3= amount of rares you own. B4= amount of epics you own. B5= amount of legendaries you own. Add up Dust1 to Dust 4. If the total is higher than 100 then buy the pack. If it's lower then don't.I've put all these formulas in an Excell sheet that I update regularly. I like numbers, what can I say. It also helps to keep the long game into perspective.

    As I said 110 packs is optimal to buy. Craft the rest of the cards you need. Buying 110 packs of an expansion should get you 100% of commons, 90-95% of rares, 40-50% of epics and 20-30% of legendaries. It should also get you 2000-3000 dust in extra cards. More of you get lucky with golden cards. I got a golden corruptor last time. That gave me 800 dust because of the nerfs. Just don't be hasty with DE'ing. See rule #7 and 8.

    During an expansion you will get lots of extra packs if you know how. You can get extra packs with logins, Choose your Champion, Twitch drops, free arena runs, Festival rewards etc. I got 60 (!!) extra packs during Saviors of Uldum.

    Gotta get that gold

    During an expansion you can get between 7000 and 20000 gold. I've tested an alt account where I only did the daily quests every few days and I still got 7000 gold on that account. I've also done the math for maximum gold and quests on an account and it's almost impossible tot get more than 15000 gold without challenge a friend quests, arena and special events. If you're good at arena (I'm not) then that is the best way to get gold. On average 60 gold quests per day = 120 * 60 = 7200 gold.

    Gotta get that dust

    Get to rank 5 every month if you can. It gives you a golden epic and two golden commons (500 dust). And it's fun to play at the rank floors with all kinds of yanky decks. That's 2000 dust per expansion. Or 6000 dust per year. That's 3 legendaries and change.

    The Tavern Brawl each week gives you a classic pack. On average that's 100 dust per week. Or 5200 dust per year. Another 3 legendaries and an epic. And they can contain epics or legendaries you don't already have. Never dust Classic legendaries. (See rule 4. above) Except for golden ones, if you have all the other legendaries.

    Nerfs are your friend if you have patience.

    Blizzard is more active with nerfs. So be careful with disenchanting. It should be well known, but needs to be repeated. Nerfed cards can be DE'ed for full value. Being able to predict cards to be nerfed can help you hold off on DE'ing. Blizzard has made some comments in the past about cards that can be nerfed. Cards run the risk of a nerf when one or more of the following applies.

    1. They are unfun to play against. I.e. Rogue Quest (Caverns below), Baku, Genn, etc.
    2. They are too strong for their mana cost. I.e. Faceless Corruptor, Corridor Creeper. Especially when they are cheap. (Barnes! Although that took them waaaay too long.)
    3. They are used in too many decks. I.e. Ragnaros and Sylvanas. Although that is mostly for Hall of Fame. But that gives dust too.
    4. They have very little counterplay. I.e. Necrium Apothecary, Barnes.
    5. They greatly impact winrate. Give big swings. Barnes, Necrium Apothecary, Scion of Ruin.
    6. They limit design space. Sylvanas, Baku, Genn. Although these are usually moved to Wild/Hall of Fame.
    7. They have a linear playstyle or deckbuilding mechanic. Baku, Genn.
    8. Whenever a (neutral) card is played in more than 30% of decks nerfs can be expected.
      A list can be found here:
      Here's the HSReplay table: https://hsreplay.net/cards/#sortBy=includedPopularity

    These rules do not always apply. Zilliax ticks many of the boxes above, but most people will agree that the card is pretty balanced, although it is very strong. I don't think that Zilliax will ever be nerfed. Based on the above rules I predict that the following cards will be nerfed. Hold on to them until after the nerfs to get full dust on all your copies. (I have a golden Necrium Apothecary. That's 1600 dust.)

    Scion of Ruin will be nerfed is my prediction. And Necrium Apothecary. And the Rogue, Warrior and Shaman Galakronds. And Ancharr will probably be nerfed too.

    That's my guide. Using these rules and Ideas I have almost all the tier 1 and 2 decks in both Wild and Standard. And I have about 30000 dust in duplicate and golden cards. And I've saved up about 6000 gold for the next expansion already. I started at 4000 gold though. Gotta save for the solo content next month.

    If you made it to the end: Thank you very much for reading. I hope you got something out of it. It took me quite a while to compile this guide and I feel there is lots more to say. If there is any demand I might add some things. Any thoughts or questions are appreciated. Good luck on ladder.

    Edit: thank you all for the upvotes, comments and questions. I've corrected some spelling and added a few things. I should also add another rule. Know the rules so that you know when to break them.

    Edit 2: There is an app in Overwolf called firestone that helps you keep track of your pack openings. With pity tracker and everything. Very helpful. Only on pc though. It can be found here:


    Edit 3: added explanation of the origin of the numbers.

    Wow! My first silver! Thank you kind stranger.

    submitted by /u/ADDremm
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    Sudden change of strategy

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    A tale written in two images

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:54 PM PST

    mmh i like this new mechanics

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:16 AM PST

    After two years of memes, I finally made the push :D

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Work in Progress: Best HearthStone Cards BracketFight

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Getting into Wild, How and Where to Start Playing Wild Hearthstone | Solem

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Hearthstone Masters in 2020

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:01 AM PST


    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Won't Hearthstone get significantly more expensive with paid adventures that contain uncrafteable standard cards ond no new ways to generate gold?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    So, for everyone who missed it: Paid adventures are back that cost 700 gold per wing and will likely have a total cost of 2800/3500 gold for all the wings. Those adventures reward standard cards that are uncraftable untill they get rotated to Wild. (except for the golden versions, I think)


    I remember that Hearthstone started with 2 adventures and 1 expansion per year. At some point they changed it to 2 expansions and 1 adventure and I remember the huge outcry at the cost increase because expansions cost more than adventures.

    Now we are at 3 expansions and, if they keep their current pattern, 3 adventures per year and everyone seems to accept it without blinking.


    Don't misunderstand me, please. I like adventures, they offer a far better value than expansions do but it's getting excessive and feels like Blizzard is milking us for everything they can and we are just taking it. Most adventures will likely have a few cards that are mandatory and those will most likely be in wings 4 + 5 so you are forced to buy the whole adventure.


    If they release an adventure with each expansion and we are forced to buy it because of a few mandatory cards we will have 28/35 packs less each expansion because we are forced to spend the gold on adventures. I understand that you can't get everything for free but adding such a huge cost (7-10k gold each year) without any way to earn a little bit more just feels... evil. They know exactly what they are doing.


    They implement those adventures to drain players of their gold so they are forced to preorder the expansions. I guess I'm just sad that they are getting away with it and the huge cost of this game in general simply because the theme of this game is "trading cards". (which you can't trade and that lose all value once you stop playing)

    submitted by /u/cute_rubberduck
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    Poor warlock :(

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Flik is love, Flik is life

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:28 AM PST

    I think I went a little overkill on the Dragon Galkarond. I don't think my opponent was very happy.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:46 AM PST

    If he's so "Unbreakable", then why invoking him gives you Attack and no Armor? He should rather be called "Unstoppable".

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:19 PM PST

    I have 20 unopened packs of cards...

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Because I have no idea which cards are any good. I've watched Trump's basics videos and have leveled characters to 10 so have some idea of the deck archetypes but the sheer number of cards is pretty intimidating. I'd use a card if I knew it was good but man, there's a lot to look at!

    submitted by /u/LargePiece
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